
我们需要演英文话剧《威尼斯商人 法庭》,但是需要它的英文简介而不是它的剧本。

《威尼斯商人》第四幕“法庭”一场是全剧的高潮。剧中情节线索到这里会合,主要人物全部登场;矛盾冲突双方正面交锋,决定了胜负;全剧的两个主要人物——夏洛克和鲍西娅的形象以及全剧的主题思想在这一场都得到充分的表现。这场戏以鲍西娅上场为转机,分前后两半,前半场主要是夏洛克的戏,后半场主要是鲍西娅的戏。莎士比亚精心设计的这场戏,以其扣人心弦的情节,合情合理地展示了人物形象及矛盾冲突。马克思和恩格斯曾赞扬过莎士比亚戏剧的情节的生动性和丰富性。从“法庭”一场来看,它写法庭审判,并没有曲折离奇的情节,但在莎士比亚的笔下,却把这场戏写的波澜起伏,引人入胜,有很强的艺术魅力。作者运用层层铺垫的手法,推波助澜,将矛盾的双方推向白热化,然后奇峰突起,使剧情急转直下。这种大开大合、曲折有致的情节安排,显示了莎士比亚杰出的戏剧才能。 这场戏围绕着要不要“照约执行处罚”展开戏剧冲突。 Of the merchant of Venice, the fourth act "court" one is the climax. The plot lines to meet here, main figures all appearance, Conflicts both confrontation, decide the outcome, The two main character, Shylock and Portia image and the subject thought in this field are fully performance. This scene with Portia play for transferring, points before and after two half, the first half is mainly Shylock drama, the second half of the play is mainly Portia. Shakespeare carefully designed this scene, with its exciting plot, reasonable shows the characters and conflict. Marx and Engels have praise after Shakespeare the plot of a drama of vivid and richness. From "court" a view, write it court, and no rather strange plot, but in Shakespeare's works, he had written this scene ups and downs, fascinating, have very strong artistic appeal. The author use the layers of matting technique, the fire and conflict on both sides of the white-hot, and then push protuberant, make grotesque plot has plunged. This DaKaiDaGe and tortuous have the plot arrangement, showing the Shakespeare outstanding drama talents. The play around want "as about execution punishment" launched drama conflict.
第1个回答  2013-09-21

After clever A having had a fierce debate with B,B finally gave up to kill C, with half of his property hand up to the nation,and another half over to C. However,kind-hearted C did not accepted the fortune, but requested to leave the property to his daughter and son-in-laws, at the time of he is in the article of death.

at the time of he is in the article of death.


谁能提供一个英文版的话剧。 大概15分钟左右!! 急~~~
这是威尼斯商人英文话剧剧本(法庭上那段)SCENE I. Venice. A street.Enter ANTONIO, SALARINO, and SALANIO ANTONIO In sooth, I know not why I am so sad:It wearies me; you say it wearies you;But how I caught it, found it, or came by it,What stuff 'tis made of, whereof ...

The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1596 and 1598. Although classified as a comedy in the First Folio, and while it shares certain aspects with Shakespeare's other romantic comedies, the play is perhaps more remembered for ...

"Bassanio swears by the strength of his grip,His heart is lost to Portia's gentle charms.Were his life worth just half of her sweet grace,Such love would make him feel most fortunate."2. Original:"SHYLOCK: The bond istwenty thousand ducats, and be it now perform'd."Rewritte...

本想全部贴给你,但是超过长度限制了,只能给你个网址,您自己节选了……http:\/\/www.veryabc.cn\/movie\/uploads\/script\/TheMerchantofVenice.txt 这个应该是全剧本 另外,这个好像也行,但似乎不全,您可以参考 http:\/\/www.veryabc.cn\/movie\/new\/article\/2008\/0909\/article_2266.html ...

英版威尼斯商人英文版 急需!!先谢谢啦!!
法庭上对峙产那一部分应该是 "第四幕:第一场 威尼斯。法庭"吧?威尼斯商人英文版全文:http:\/\/shakespeare.mit.edu\/merchant\/ Act 4, Scene 1: Venice. A court of justice.http:\/\/shakespeare.mit.edu\/merchant\/merchant.4.1.html

威尼斯商人安东尼奥(Antonio),为帮助好友巴萨尼奥(Bassanio)娶得波西亚(Portia),而与仇家──放高利贷的犹太人夏洛克 (Shylock)借钱。答应若无法还钱,就割下自己的一磅肉抵债。不料,他的商船在海上遇险,因而无法如期还款,被夏洛克告上了法庭。一再遭对方侮辱歧视,女儿洁西卡(Jessica)又跟罗伦佐(...


