

Childhood amusing thing
in my multi-colored childhood life, has had many unforgettable, sad, the happy matter, along with years passing, has many matters to fade from the memory gradually in mine mind, but only has a matter, causes me to remember to now also has a vivid memory.
that is summer vacation's one day, I am doing on the floor looked when "the Romance of the Three Kingdoms", just started, only felt that the whole body cool faint trace, do not raise has is much comfortable. Might after a while, the whole body then chummy, “was the summer, why always so in the summer annoying in the summer! Eats the root icicle to relieve thirst!”Before therefore I arrive at the refrigerator, puts out a salty water popsicle, already drools with envy as soon as I just wanted to nip one to taste, change mind thought: It is not good! Usually, mother washes when the strawberry must the strawberry immersion in the water, be able to disinfect like this, do I why not also place the icicle in the water to disinfect? The
第1个回答  2011-09-21
<Something about my childhood>
i will write it for you tomorrow. OK?
第2个回答  2011-09-19
第3个回答  2011-09-20

Childhood amusing thing in my multi-colored childhood life, has had many unforgettable, sad, the happy matter, along with years passing, has many matters to fade from the memory gradually in mine mind, but only has a matter, causes me to remember to now also has a vivid memory...

My childhood I remember when I was six years old. Had many interesting things. Summer, I and small partners to play by the river. We took off our clothes swimwear. The "thump" sound jumped off the river, play can be interesting... Autumn, is the harvest season. Us fun or...

哪位高人帮帮忙, 写一篇《我的童年》英文作文,100字就好 ,十分着急,万...
I grew up in a small village. I am the second child of the family, and my sister is the eldest. Our house is on the main street of the village so I always saw a lot of people on the streets There were farmers, fishermen, and a few merchants in the village. My sister...

在回忆的海边,有无数的贝壳,有灰暗的,勾起一段伤心的往事;有灿烂的,使人想起童年趣事。我在那回忆的海岸,寻觅着最美丽的贝壳,啊,找到了…… 那时,我才六岁,是对过生日情有独钟的年龄。 我喜欢过生日,因为我会吃到大蛋糕,而那次,发生了一件有趣的事: 忙碌了一上午的我,终于可以吃到盼望以久的蛋糕啦!瞧...

英文童年趣事,有四人对话 急求!!谢谢了!!!中文也可以,一定要有四个人的...

雪种好了,我们很高兴,盼望了许久,盼着再见到那些可爱的雪姑娘。 童年趣事 每个人都有一个童年,而童年趣事也就像海边那各色各样的贝壳,在海水的陪伴下闪闪发光,散发着五颜六色的光彩,数都数不完.而如今我的手上还握着那一颗最闪光的贝壳,那也正是我最难忘的一件童年趣事. 记得小时侯,我家院子里种着一棵和...

一、忆写童趣,一线串珠。 这是一篇叙述童年趣事的美文,其核心就是凸现那令人没齿难忘的童真童趣,为此,文章以儿童眼中看世界所得“童趣”为主线,按照“总—分”结构组织全文,紧扣一个“趣”字来写。先总写童年时常有超乎尘世之外的乐趣,其中“明察秋毫,见藐小微物,必细察其纹理”为下文作张本。然后分说三件...

“切利。加兰的《历劫余生》,他在1910年跟着英国人斯科特船长去南极极点探险,过程和结果都无比惨烈。切利是在成就和品德方面都叫我崇拜的人物。我越来越觉得自己是一个理想主义者,我觉得自己一生都会对登顶有浓厚的兴趣。” “谢谢喔,我就喜欢哥哥这点。啊,新年钟声响了,现在请哥哥一定回答我一个问题好么?” “...

童年,是欢乐的海洋。在回忆的海边,有无数的贝壳,有灰暗的,勾起一段伤心的往事;有灿烂的,使人想起童年趣事。我在那回忆的海岸,寻觅着最美丽的贝壳,啊,找到了…… 更多追问追答 追问 主要内容是什么,我主要要的就是主要内容 追答 看了作文还会不知道内容? 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论...

你看!我小时侯多调皮呀!直到现在想起来都觉得有趣呢! 2. 写一篇有起因,有经过,有结果的作文怎么写 一件有趣的事作文 小时候的趣事有很多,但最值得我一想就笑,当属小时候夹老鼠的那件事。 那天,我正在餐厅吃宵夜,在不远处的米袋旁边,一只老鼠在偷偷吃米,我立即放下手中吃的宵夜,从门后拿起一把扫把,轻...
