关于京剧的英语作文,中英文都带,200词 左右 不要太简单,也不要太难,速度急求~


第1个回答  2011-12-31
peking opera
peking opera is one of the Chinese culture.It is also called"The quintessence of Chinese culture" It is consist of "sheng,生,dan旦,jing净,chou丑" the" Line of business"
You maybe ask:What's sheng dan jing chou?Sheng means 老生,小生,武生,娃娃生.they played old man,yong man,the man who knows kongfu and boy in the opera.Dan means 正旦、花旦、闺门旦、武旦、老旦、彩旦(揺旦)刀马旦.Zhengdan,They played as a role of "qingyi" that means the most important woman in the opera,they usually play very dignified and virtuous.Huadan played beautiful young girls.Guimendan usually played rich girls who is unmarried.Wudan means 侠女,they played very brave girls who also know kongfu very much.Laodan,an old woman.Caidan,old and ugly cause so much laugh.Daomadan,they usually played generals.Jing,we also called"big baikal" Chou,we called"small baikal" they are all very characteristic.本回答被提问者和网友采纳