Jack works in an office in a small town. One day his boss says to him, "Jack, I want you to go to London, to an office there, to see Mr White. Here is the address."
Jack goes to London by train. He leaves the station, and thinks, "The office is near the station, and I can find it easily. "
But after an hour he still looks for it, so he stops and asks an old man. He says,"Go down this street, turn to the right at the end and it's the first building on the right. " Jack goes and finds it.
Three days later he goes to the same town, but he can"t find the office. He wants to ask somebody the way. He stops and sees an old man. It is the same man. He is very surprised and says,"Are you still looking for that place.?"
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我的家 这是我的家:我家共有四个人,我的祖父,爸爸,妈妈和我。我的妈妈留着短发,她看起来很美丽。我的爸爸有着黑色的短发和小眼睛,他很胖,所以我经常叫他“胖子”。他在一家工厂工作。妈妈在一家有限公司上班。我的妈妈有着黑色的长发,她喜欢运动和旅行,我经常和她一起去做运动。在假期...
你好。 你好呢!奶奶。 hi,艾米 我们昨天做了面条。 哦,真的吗?真的,我,不仅帮妈妈做面条,还帮妈妈洗了衣服。 你真是个好孩子。那sam呢! 他没有,他整天玩电脑以及看电视。那tom呢, 他也帮忙做了面条,也帮忙洗了衣服。他真是个好孩子,我非常喜欢他。
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Excuse me, I accidentally have gotten a crush on you. What do you say?