Hello Dear Friend,
I'm very happy to meet you,
Compliments of the day!
How are you ? hope you are doing well, I am joy a lovely girl, I am looking for a reliable and trusted person. I believe we can get acquainted, so if it interests you, please reach me back here for further communications. I stop here awaiting your responds.
Please get back to me with this so that I will send my photo to you and tell you more about my self. A good friendship is the foundation built on other relative things to come. May God bless you as I wait impatiently to read from you..
Yours Friend,
Miss joy ruba
1. "Thank you"例句:I should thank you rather than you thank me!翻译:我应该感谢你,而不是你感谢我!2. "Thanks"例句:Thanks for the information.翻译:谢谢你告诉我这消息。3. "Thanks a lot"例句:Well, thanks a lot for your help.翻译:好心的,非常感谢你的帮助。4. "Thanks ...
翻译如下:Excuse me,Can you help me? 打扰一下,你能帮我吗?Sure.当然。How can I get to the science Museum?我怎么能到科学博物馆呢?It's over there.在那边。Thanks.谢谢。Oh,Where is Robin? 啊,罗宾在哪?重点词汇:Excuse me:英 [iksˈkju:z mi:] 美 [ɪk...
Hi 真的很谢谢你,一直麻烦你让我看车。你的车真的很可爱,我也很喜欢这个款式。但是我已经问过我的父母了,我的父母说我只是个新手,没有必要买那么贵的车,他们说最多最多也只会给我3万了,所以剩下的钱我需要向朋友借。以后我还需要还给我的朋友。真的很抱歉我没有办法一下给出你要的价钱...
请帮忙翻译一下几句英语~ 谢谢!
9. May I take your order? Well, wait a moment , will you? 要点菜吗?好的,请稍等。10. Thank you for your purchase. Mind your steps. 谢谢光临,请慢走!有多种表达法呢,祝开心,望采纳哦!
翻译:等到吴国被评定之后,象征吉祥征兆的紫气更明亮了。华听说豫章人(古代郡名,今江西南昌地带)雷焕非常精通观看天相,便要与雷焕一块儿住下,同事者说:“可以一起观看天文,就知道将来的祸福啊。” 所以他们两个便登上楼仰头观望。雷焕说:“我看到这种天相好长一段时间啊,只是北斗星和牛郎星...
请帮忙翻译一下 翻译成英文的 不要在先翻译的答案 谢谢
他很穷!and he is very poor.有一天,one day ,他看家里实在揭不开锅了,there is nothing to eat home ,便把父亲留给他的瘦牛拿去集市上卖了。so,he sold the thin cattle which his father left to him in the market 可是回到家中,as he came home 从妻子口中得知这头牛曾经患过腿疾...
Chinese characters. Aren't they very interesting? I like my own country's culture, so I hope you understand.Please send whatever postcards you like to me! Thanks very much! I hope that we can meet one day, and that we will become friends!翻译完咯!^-^ 希望对你有帮助。
谢谢和以亲切的问候 亲爱的先生周・Chunhu, 我们非常愉快通知您, 我们是会议您在Chifeng 和被交换的pleasantaries 。从天我们决定工作与您, 我们从未看了。 我们提到我们有与您在土霉素购买Hcl. 由于市场在印度的合作, 我们必须保留非常竞争能击穿很好和兑现在政府的当前的焦点在农业。您总是我们...
4. brand 打烙印于;印…商标于;铭刻于,铭记 5. brave 勇气 6. bread 面包 7. break 休息,中断 8. breakfast 早晨 9. breast 乳房,胸部;胸怀;心情 10. breath 呼吸,气息 11. breathe 呼吸;低语;松口气 12. bride 新娘 13. bridegroom 新郎 14. bridge 桥;桥牌;船桥;桥接器 15....
7。领围粘合剂从st下降先生,18毫米,哪位保留位置第一张。横(侧)、宽增加。请把率纸缩型。8 .不弄脏的白 9 .按照样品刺绣ふっくり刺。\/柔和了上里。10分。衣领上的我们注意看 11 .金泰焕结束了!12 .贴布or中心st追加(st追加or儿)13。结束站起来,让ふっくり熨斗 14。是利用吉布斯熨斗类。1...