十万火急,哪位好心人帮我翻译一句话,当我看到有人生病的时候 用...
(通俗的)When I see someone falling ill...
楼下的那位 翻译器过头了哦。。。膜拜 你拥有那爱的羽毛,用它诠释着如何飞行。你飞过来抢夺了我的心假如你不知道路在何方,请将我的叹息带走。我的目光停留在白色的乳房上,亦或是带着阳光明亮的目光,亦或者用黄金结绑住我的亲爱的
which not only played a positive role to taizhou brought unprecedented energy, and added a population management on huge pressure. Number increasing floating population also to social security,
Translation: because I am a professional reading of the usually less exposure to English, so my English is not very strong expression, but I will strengthen future study, I believe that through my efforts can resolve this problem.Sorry, can you repeat that again?
...帮我把这篇演讲搞译成英语,我马上要用了,十万火急。谢谢了!_百度知 ...
If you want to complete a matter, the first important matter is you must first learn to like him. some people said that I am a busy person. Under the so arduous study duty, is not critical is student association's cadre and class's and grade's cadre, but must in the ...
A tune Soviet three convey sings has made a sound my hometown, I was born under the Hongtong big Chinese scholartree's family of drama, thus the parents gave a name to me open xx, the director was I highest art is ideal 大概是这样的了,请检查一下 ...
请英语口语好的好心人帮我翻译下我的自我介绍 十万火急!明天早上...
are the girl, that will be great. maybe you will stay there forever. That's all, thank you for listening.Sorry,希望给你个小小的意见。“以后怎么样的那就要看我的命运了”这句话有点听天由命的意思,会让人觉得你不想通过自己的努力来创造未来,希望你改下。意见仅供参考,谢谢!
十万火急 女孩子叫我翻译 英语高手进~~~
筋刺穿了肺部,失血过多离开了人世...她疯了一样地跑去医院,男孩躺在白色的病床上,手里 紧紧地握着手机,上面写着这样一条信息:"亲爱的,当我看到地上的铁筋时,我已经没有办法为 你挡住石头了.亲爱的,痛吗?"...女孩抱着男孩的尸体痛哭...好好珍惜你爱的人,不要等失去 后才来珍惜....
养育下一代 如果家长是瞄准了将孩子培养成一个天才的话,他们往往会失败得一塌糊涂。根据一些前沿教育心理学专家表示,这些是那些富有野心的家长犯的严重错误之一。一般来说,孩子会只单单意识到家长的期待,并且会失败。家长不切实际的期望会给孩子造成巨大的不利影响。然而,如果家长对于孩子的作为的...