
英语作文啊!假设我的名字叫MIKE,来自纽约.在报纸上看了希望工程的报道后的想资助小女孩的想法 80字左右就行

第1个回答  2019-04-17
My nameis MIKE ,I come from New York,last Saturday when I inadvertently turned the newspaper to see the article about the Hope Project,said that a little girl very much like to go to school,but because the family too poor,there is still a long ailing mother ,which led to her can not be the same as other children go to school,but she was eager to like them,I can sit on the wide classroom,set their own books.She hoped that Project Hope to help her,and when I read,I decided to help him,although I can not satisfy all her wishes,but I will do their bit by bit the ability to help her,I believe she will be the motherland hope!我的名字是MIKE,我来自纽约,上个星期六,当我翻报纸的时候不经意的翻看到了有关希望工程的文章,说一个小女孩非常想上学,但是因为家里太穷了,还有一个长年有病在身的母亲,所以种种的原因导致了她不能和别的孩子一样上学,可是她却渴望和他们一样能坐在宽阔的教室,有一套属于自己的书本.她希望希望工程能帮助她,当我看完后,我决定帮助他,虽然我不能满足她所有的愿望,但我会一点一滴的尽自己的能力去帮她,我相信她将会是祖国的希望!

The Hope Project is a commonweal undertaking. It aims at helping the children who are out of school in the poor area. What this organization usually do is subsidize the children in the poor place to go to school. Hope Primary Schools are the result of it. I’m very moved fo...

My nameis MIKE ,I come from New York,last Saturday when I inadvertently turned the newspaper to see the article about the Hope Project,said that a little girl very much like to go to school,but because the family too poor,there is still a long ailing mother ,which led to h...

The hope project is Chinese Youth Development Foundation initiated and organized a growing service for teenagers and social and public welfare undertakings. Its purpose is: about the raise education funds of the government at home and abroad to implement the policy, the mobilization of ci...

Project Hope's poverty-stricken child goes to school the only outlet, person's who regard it gathered we to have the compassion. Without the person of good intention, will have the massive poverty-stricken children not to be able to study, I can do am merely contribute a clothi...

Education plays a very important role in the development of China. As is known to all, China has the largest population in the world and most of them live in the countryside. Since the economic conditions there are rather poor, many families,especially in the remote areas, cannot...

“希望工程”是支助农村地区教育的一种很好的方法。如今,只有一少部分孩子通过“希望工程”获益(作文地带建议:此句翻译为'从中获益'也是可以的。)As is known to all, China has the largest population in the world and most of them live in the countryside. Since the economic conditions there...

春节 希望工程 压岁钱 英语作文50词
希望工程 上课时老师对我们讲了关于希望工程的事情.她说一些农村的孩子由于他们的父母太贫穷了,不能送他们上学.老师号召我们帮助这些贫困孩子.放学后我回到家中.我被这一切深深地打动了.我该为希望工程做点什么呢?我决定把我积攒的钱邮给那些盼望上学的农村的孩子们,这些钱是我将近一年的储蓄.我给他们写...

Hello, here's Andy from America. At the first beginning of this letter, I want to send my sincere greeting to the children. Getting informed from the report, I'm so sorry to hear that the children can not afford to go to school.But fortunately, with the help of your ...

谁帮我写一篇 Let's help with Project Hope 的英语作文
help poor students more than 6300, the Hope Project is becoming a key party and government assured the people over尊敬的社会各界爱心人士、朋友们:5月19日是希望工程助学公益日。值此机会,我们谨向长期以来关心支持希望工程事业的各级领导、企事业单位和社会各界致以崇高的敬意!青少年是祖国的...

英语作文 说说你是如何支持希望工程的,并鼓励大家做些力所能及的...
希望工程 上课时老师对我们讲了关于希望工程的事情.她说一些农村的孩子由于他们的父母太贫穷了,不能送他们上学.老师号召我们帮助这些贫困孩子.放学后我回到家中.我被这一切深深地打动了.我该为希望工程做点什么呢?我正在思索着,突然看到桌子上的储蓄盒.于是我决定把我积攒的钱邮给那些盼望上学的农村的...
