when you smell smell....aha ,一首很好听的、欢快的英文歌歌词,就是不知道它的名字!女生唱的,


when you smile 有里知花

touch my heart 触动我的心
and feel the warmth inside of me感觉到我内心的温暖
hold me close抱紧我
cause you set the fire burning因为你将火点燃
take a breath深呼吸
and know that love is reaching out to you知道爱已经抵达于你
when you smile当你微笑
a light shines in your eye一束光在你眼里闪烁
when you smile当你微笑
a rainbow fills the sky一道彩虹充满天际
when i'm feeling blue当我感觉到天蓝
cause the skies are gray因为天已灰
i think of you我想念你
and they melt away他们消逝了
there is love那里有爱
there is joy那里有欢乐
when you smile当你微笑
blow a kiss给一个飞吻
to all the stars you see tonight给所有的你今晚看见的星辰
make a wish许下心愿
the dream becomes reality美梦成真
call my name叫我的名字
i'll be there if ever you should fall我会在那如果你降落

I'm the one that you don't see 我是你从未关注过的那个人Who watches you so cautiously却总是小心翼翼地观察着你。The one,Who loves you silently我默默地爱你I'm always one glance behind始终如一暗自关注着你I'm on the outskirts of your life可是永远无法触及你的生活圈But you don't notice me你未曾察觉。When you smile, smile, smile uh huh当你微笑的时候And in 、、、、you smile ---eternity唱的,谢谢你!
