Lesson 119 A.1.Did this ture story happen to the author or to a friend of the author's?And when?Yes,a year ago.2.What was the author's friend's name?George.3.What was George doing?He was read in bed.4.What happened while he was reading in bed?Two thieves climbed i...
推荐答案Lesson 16 A 1 It is an English car. 2 It is a Japanese car. 3 It is an Italian car. 4 It is a French car. 5 It is an American car. 6 Robert is not a teacher. B 1 What colour are your shirts? Our shirts are white. 2 What colour are your coats? Our ...
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Lesson 16 A 1 It is an English car.2 It is a Japanese car.3 It is an Italian car.4 It is a French car.5 It is an American car.6 Robert is not a teacher.B 1 What colour are your shirts? Our shirts are white.2 What colour are your coats? Our coats are grey.3 ...
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新概念英语第二册练习册答案 Lesson 15A(Possible pletions)He says he's phoning from a public call box at Frinton Station.He says he's glad he always carries enough money for phone calls.He says he's just arrived at Frinton Station from Scotland.He said that he couldn't get home.He sa...