


(3)任务教学法(task-based approach)是一种建立在“建构主义”(constructivism)理论基础上的教学法。这种理论认为,学生知识的获得主要不是靠教师传授,而是学习者在一定的情境(即社会文化背景)下,借助他人(包括教师和学习伙伴)的帮助,利用必要的学习资料,通过意义建构方式获得。建构既是对新知识意义的建构,同时又包含对原有经验的改造和重组。


(5)世界上许多著名的语言学家及教学法专家对任务下了不同的定义。Ellis(2003)认为任务是指以意义为中心的语言运用活动。J.Willis(1996)说任务指的是有目标的交际活动或学生为达到具体的某一目标而进行交际活动的过程。Nunsn(1989)指出交际性任务是一项课堂活动, 要求学生用目的语进行理解、操练、使用或交际。在这一过程中, 学生的注意力主要集中在语言意义上而非语言形式上。我们发现这其中都有一个共同特点,即任务就是注重意义而非语言形式的真实的语言交际使用。语言学习的“任务”就是有目标的交际活动或学生为达到某一目标而进行的交际活动的过程,是一种“在实践中学习”(learningbydoing)(Wilson)的一种语言实践。


(1) the task-based teaching is based on real-life communicative needs determine the language learning task, students from around this one task planning and through their own efforts to achieve the plan, complete the task, and in the process of continuous assessment of their own learning ( Ellis, 1999). Specifically, it takes the students as the center, to the task of driving force, means and goals, students in practice to apply the knowledge, skills, acquire new knowledge and skills.

( 2) the constructivist ( constructivism ) also known as structuralism, is rising in the late nineteen eighties a new learning concept, is from behaviorism to cognitivism the latest teaching theory. It is the earliest by the famous Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget ( J.Piaget ) proposed. Piaget thinks, certain stimuli only by body assimilates to the cognitive structure, the main body to react, gradually build up their knowledge about the outside world, so that their cognitive structure development. Constructivist learning theory is rich in content, but its core content is: take the student as the center, emphasizes the students' knowledge of active exploration, active discovery and knowledge of the significance of the active construction. Therefore, constructivism learning theory emphasizes the main role of the learner, learning initiative; emphasize the negotiation process; that learning is a realistic situation experience.

( 3) the task teaching method ( task-based approach ) is based on a" constructivism" ( constructivism ) based on the theory of teaching method. This theory thinks, students gain the knowledge is not depend on Teachers' learning, but in certain situations ( i.e., social culture background ), with others (including teachers and learning partner ) help, uses the essential learning materials, through constructing meaning access. New construction is not only to construct knowledge and meaning, but also include the original experience of the reform and reorganization.

The task teaching method in the implementation process, based on constructivism theory, learning activities and tasks or combination of problems, to explore issues to guide and sustain learners' interest and motivation; create the real teaching environment, lets the student bring real mission to study, in this course, students with learning initiative, teachers can guide and inspire, and make students truly grasp the knowledge, and through the task to infer other things from one fact.

( 4) the task-based teaching method is specific to the task as the carrier, the students in order to complete the task of power, knowledge and skills of com., to use the language to do things, at the same time in doing things in the process of development and improve their own language skills. Simply put: for learning, in learning to use, learn the use.

( 5) many of the world famous linguist and expert on the task teaching method under the different definitions. Ellis ( 2003) perceived task refers to the meaning as the center of language activity. J.Willis ( 1996) that the task is the communicative activities or students to achieve a specific goal for communicative activities. Nunsn ( 1989) points out that communicative task is a classroom activity, require students to use the target language to understand, practice, use or communication. In this process, students mainly concentrate on the language sense and language form. We found that both of them have a common characteristic, namely the task is to focus on meaning rather than form of language in authentic communicative language use. Language learning" task" is the goal of communicative activities or students to achieve a goal of communicative activity process, is a kind of" learning by doing" ( learningbydoing ) ( Wilson ) is a kind of language practice.

( 6) the English new curriculum standard explicitly put forward the " advocates task-based teaching approach, to cultivate students' comprehensive language application ability". The task-based language teaching, that is specific to the task as the learning motivation, in order to complete the task to study the process of the process, to demonstrate the achievement of the task ( but not to test scores ) to reflect the teaching achievement.

Task based teaching method in English teaching is the application of communicative teaching method in twentieth Century eighty's new development of communicative teaching method, is a new form of. The teaching take the student as the center, teachers design specific, with clear objectives, activities, let students use the target language through consultation, to discuss, solve a specific problem.
第1个回答  2011-08-30


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武夷山印记 阅读答案 帮帮忙!!!灰常感谢!!
