queer as folk中第三季最后一集放的曲子


是New Order 的True Faith
不过是经过Pet Shop Boys Remix的


I feel so extraordinary
Something's got a hold on me
I get this feeling I'm in motion
A sudden sense of liberty
I don't care cause I'm not there
And I don't care if I'm here tomorrow
Again and again I've taken too much
Of the things that cost you too much

I used to think that the day would never come
I'd see delight in the shade of the morning sun
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
I used to think that the day would never come
That my life would depend on the morning sun

When I was a very small boy
Very small boys talked to me
Now that we've grown up together
They're afraid of what they see
That's the price that we all pay
Our valued destiny comes to nothing
I can't tell you where we're going
I guess there was just no way of knowing

I used to think that the day would never come
I'd see delight in the shade of the morning sun
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
I used to think that the day would never come
That my life would depend on the morning sun

I feel so extraordinary
Something's got a hold on me
I get this feeling I'm in motion
A sudden sense of liberty
The chances are we've gone too far
You took my time and you took my money
Now I fear you've left me standing
In a world that's so demanding

I used to think that the day would never come
I'd see delight in the shade of the morning sun
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
I used to think that the day would never come
That my life would depend on the morning sun


queer as folk中第三季最后一集放的曲子
是New Order 的True Faith 不过是经过Pet Shop Boys Remix的 歌词如下:I feel so extraordinary Something's got a hold on me I get this feeling I'm in motion A sudden sense of liberty I don't care cause I'm not there And I don't care if I'm here tomorrow Again and again...

queer as folk第三季最后一集里Linz和mel亲热的那段音乐
5. Walking On Thin Ice - Yoko Ono 6. Native Love (Step By Step) - Divine 7. Viva Colombia (Cha Cha) - Namtrak 8. The Sound Of Violence - Cassius 部分二 1. Loretta Young Silks - Sneaker Pimps 2. Weapon - Matthew Good 3. Infa Riot - Soundtrack Of Our Lives 4. Ro...

求queer as folk第三季11集的片尾曲 名字是什么了
true faith 演唱者:new order

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If I were a man I’d grow a moustache I’d make all of my ladies wear high heels I would be the leader in every dance there is and every stubborn dancing queen would follow me If I were a man I could do anything Anything that I desire I’d be the man in mankind An...

Queer as folk第三季第一集的片尾曲是什么?就是Brian和那个与Justin有点...
True Faith (Pet Shop Boys Remix) - New Order 参考资料:http:\/\/www.douban.com\/group\/topic\/2086848\/

queer as folk结局是
queer as folk的结局充满了情感的复杂与深刻。Brian向Justin表白并成功求婚,然而,他们出于对彼此的尊重,不愿对方为爱牺牲,最终取消了婚礼。Justin选择离开Pissibourge,前往纽约发展他的艺术事业,而Brian则留在那里继续经营Kinnetic和Babylon。他们虽然没有明确的承诺,但彼此间的爱情并未消逝,只是以一...

queer as folk中的一首歌!

You are my sunshine的歌词加简谱
演唱:Jimmie Davis 词:Jimmie Davis 曲:Jimmie Davis 歌谱1\/2:歌谱2\/2:The other night dear, as I lay sleeping 有一天夜里,亲爱的,当我躺下入睡 I dreamed I held you in my arms 我梦见我把你搂在怀里 But when I awoke,dear, I was mistaken 可当我醒来,哎呀,那是个误会 And...

有人知道queer as folk第五季最后一集最后放的那个gloria gaynor的歌...
这首歌是heather small的proud,第一季第一集里brian和micheal在屋顶上的时候就放过这首歌。不过513里面的应该是个remix版本,比101更快,thumpa节奏。歌曲: Proud 歌手: Heather Small 专辑 :Queer as Folk 第一季原声带 歌词:I look into the window of my mind Reflections of the fears I know...

还有《8090师生恋》《曲线难题》 《两人三足》《狗咬狗》《真爱之吻》《Queer as Folk》(同志亦凡人)第5季第7集结尾以及《the l word》第三季第十集结尾都用此曲作为插曲。在日本动画《弃宝之岛:遥与魔法镜》中也有出现。2012年电影《第一次》中也有此歌曲。此外,这首歌还出现在汽车广告...
