queer as folk中第三季最后一集放的曲子
是New Order 的True Faith 不过是经过Pet Shop Boys Remix的 歌词如下:I feel so extraordinary Something's got a hold on me I get this feeling I'm in motion A sudden sense of liberty I don't care cause I'm not there And I don't care if I'm here tomorrow Again and again...
queer as folk第三季最后一集里Linz和mel亲热的那段音乐
5. Walking On Thin Ice - Yoko Ono 6. Native Love (Step By Step) - Divine 7. Viva Colombia (Cha Cha) - Namtrak 8. The Sound Of Violence - Cassius 部分二 1. Loretta Young Silks - Sneaker Pimps 2. Weapon - Matthew Good 3. Infa Riot - Soundtrack Of Our Lives 4. Ro...
求queer as folk第三季11集的片尾曲 名字是什么了
true faith 演唱者:new order
美版《Queer as folk》里面有一首《If I were a man》,歌词是什么...
If I were a man I’d grow a moustache I’d make all of my ladies wear high heels I would be the leader in every dance there is and every stubborn dancing queen would follow me If I were a man I could do anything Anything that I desire I’d be the man in mankind An...
Queer as folk第三季第一集的片尾曲是什么?就是Brian和那个与Justin有点...
True Faith (Pet Shop Boys Remix) - New Order 参考资料:http:\/\/www.douban.com\/group\/topic\/2086848\/
queer as folk结局是
queer as folk的结局充满了情感的复杂与深刻。Brian向Justin表白并成功求婚,然而,他们出于对彼此的尊重,不愿对方为爱牺牲,最终取消了婚礼。Justin选择离开Pissibourge,前往纽约发展他的艺术事业,而Brian则留在那里继续经营Kinnetic和Babylon。他们虽然没有明确的承诺,但彼此间的爱情并未消逝,只是以一...
queer as folk中的一首歌!
You are my sunshine的歌词加简谱
演唱:Jimmie Davis 词:Jimmie Davis 曲:Jimmie Davis 歌谱1\/2:歌谱2\/2:The other night dear, as I lay sleeping 有一天夜里,亲爱的,当我躺下入睡 I dreamed I held you in my arms 我梦见我把你搂在怀里 But when I awoke,dear, I was mistaken 可当我醒来,哎呀,那是个误会 And...
有人知道queer as folk第五季最后一集最后放的那个gloria gaynor的歌...
这首歌是heather small的proud,第一季第一集里brian和micheal在屋顶上的时候就放过这首歌。不过513里面的应该是个remix版本,比101更快,thumpa节奏。歌曲: Proud 歌手: Heather Small 专辑 :Queer as Folk 第一季原声带 歌词:I look into the window of my mind Reflections of the fears I know...
还有《8090师生恋》《曲线难题》 《两人三足》《狗咬狗》《真爱之吻》《Queer as Folk》(同志亦凡人)第5季第7集结尾以及《the l word》第三季第十集结尾都用此曲作为插曲。在日本动画《弃宝之岛:遥与魔法镜》中也有出现。2012年电影《第一次》中也有此歌曲。此外,这首歌还出现在汽车广告...