By Alisha, (13) Florida
When I sit down in class , I often wonder why my teachers choose such a job .Don’t get me wrong : if it weren’t for teachers I wouldn’t be as smart as I am . But tell me: After you go to school fourteen years, will you choose to be a teacher?
After I see how students treat their teacher by disrespecting them in all types of ways, why would I want to have that job? It’s not like I would take that junk from them. Do you think they become teachers to have the freedom that they didn’t have in school? Or do they really want you to learn something? ——If they do, why do they scream at you when you make a mistake, or talk? We all are not perfect, so if you don’t get a lesson they teach, why do they say you haven’t been listening? It is not all teachers that act like that. But to the ones that do, I’d like to shout at them: DON’T TEACH!
By Alice,(11) Tennessee
Look, ever since I was 2, I want to be like Julia Roberts. And I do what I can to make it happen. I try out for as many plays as I can. I get in some and some I do not get in. It is all hard work. I think try hard and you will succeed in whatever you want!
By Desiry, (13) Florida
When I grow up I want to be a successful Lawyer, who will do a nice job by making people happy. I think that I will be good at this job because I have a loud mouth and I can tell very easily when someone Is lying.
By Kelley, (11) California
I think I want to be a pediatrician because I love kids and I like helping people. I don’t know if that’s what I’ll do, but I might. I hope to be a pediatrician so I can help kids.
By Alexandra, (9) California
I would like to be a biologist. The job of a biologist is almost like a scientist. The thing that these two jobs have in common is that they both have to do something with science. My favourite subject might not be science but for sure I would like to be a biologist.
我感激不尽 这句谁会用英文翻译 急!!!
2.i can't thank youenough 对于你的帮助,我感激不尽 1.i cannot be too grateful for your help 谁能帮一下我,感激不尽(关于英语)1.submitted at 谁可以发这首的中文歌词给我感激不尽 1.what am i to you 我将感激不尽 1.appreciate ...
我感激不尽 这句谁会用英文翻译 急!!!
2.i can't thank youenough 对于你的帮助,我感激不尽 1.i cannot be too grateful for your help 谁能帮一下我,感激不尽(关于英语)1.submitted at 谁可以发这首的中文歌词给我感激不尽 1.what am i to you 我将感激不尽 1.appreciate ...
Creasy :我布莱恩的家了。我布莱恩'蓝贝尤。 Creasy :我要回家,我要蓝贝尤。 Creasy :最后希望?我祝你有更多的时间。 Creasy :不,那是古老的历史! Creasy :编号是什么样的问题是什么?您应该学习历史,好吗? Creasy :好吧,我的朋友。这是去下一个生活的你。我可以向你保证,你将不会寂寞。 Creasy :复仇...
1. 文言文 翻译 感激不尽 6、及庄公即位,为之请制。 公曰:“制,岩邑也,虢叔死焉,佗邑唯命。” 到庄公即位的时候,武姜就替共叔段请求分封到制邑去。 庄公说:“制邑是个险要的地方,从前虢叔就死在那里,若是封给其它城邑,我都可以照吩咐办。”7、不义不昵,厚将崩。 做事不仁义就不会有人亲近,地方...
what can i do?i don't want to do anything,yeah,i do.well,if i want,i won't let you know at least.通过意译,大概就是这个样子的吧!不知满意否?
谁能帮我翻译下 下面那段话!!感激不尽
何もないけれど、仆にとって必死に手を伸ばして触れたい何かを泣きたいほど手に入れたい 直接翻译:虽然什么都没有,而我却想要得到那个对我而言定要死命地伸出手去触碰东西,想得要哭出来。这里“仆にとって必死に手を伸ばして触れたい”整体是个定语修饰后面的“何か”,虽然在原句中有...
烦请英文高手帮我翻译一下这段话。 感激不尽。 翻译好的加分。_百度知...
谁能帮我翻译一下这段话 我感激不尽 英文:Not long, paced back and forth in different opinions, cannot find the advance the direction; Not long, in other people's language just a few words confused, lacks a dual flight to leave the puzzled wing; Not long, does not have the choice to ...
寻求一次短暂休息 总有一个原因 令人感觉还不够好 并且这样很难 特变是在这一天结束的时候 我需要转移一些注意力 啊 尽情的释放 记忆从我的血管渗出 让我变的空空如也 也许是因为失重的原因 我会在今晚寻找到一些安静 在天使的臂膀上 从这里飞走 从这个黑暗阴冷的旅馆房间 和你所恐惧的无止境中 你...