World War II
The major period of Churchill's political career began when he became prime minister and head of the Ministry of Defense early in World War II. "I felt as if I was walking with destiny, and that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour," he wrote in the first volume of his account of the war. (This account was later published in six volumes from 1948 to 1953). His finest hour and that of the British people coincided. His leadership, which was expressed in noble speeches and ceaseless personal activity, stated precisely what Britain needed to survive through the years before United States entry into the war.
The evacuation of Dunkirk and the air defense of the Battle of Britain have become legend, but there were and are controversies over Churchill's policies. It has been argued that Churchill's oversensitivity to the Mediterranean as a theater of war led to mistakes in Crete and North Africa. The value of his resistance to the idea of a second front as the Germans advanced into Russia has also been questioned. And there has been considerable debate over the wisdom of the course he pursued at international conferences (such as those at Yalta in February 1945) which reached agreements responsible in large part for the "cold war" of the 1950s and 1960s. But although criticisms may be made of Churchill's policies, his importance as a symbol of resistance and as an inspiration to victory cannot be challenged.
Last Years
The final period of Churchill's career began with his rejection by the British people at the general election of 1945. At that election 393 Labour candidates were elected members of Parliament as against 213 Conservatives and their allies. It was one of the most striking reversals of fortune in democratic history. It may perhaps be explained by Churchill's aggressive vituperation during the campaign combined with the electorate's desire for patient social reconstruction rather than for a return to prewar economic mismanagement.
In 1951, however, Churchill again became prime minister. He resigned in April 1955 after an uneventful term in office. For many of the later years of his life, even his iron constitution was not strong enough to resist the persistent cerebral arteriosclerosis from which he suffered. He died on Jan. 24, 1965, and was given a state funeral, the details of which had been largely dictated by himself before his death.
1. 丘吉尔在访问美国期间,一次正赤身裸体在房间里踱步,突然有人敲门。"进来",他喊道。门开了,罗斯福出现在他的面前。丘吉尔看到总统先生后,并没有因为自己的裸体而感到尴尬,反而幽默地伸出双臂欢迎道:"大不列颠的首相对合众国总统是没有什么要隐瞒的。"2. 当被问及政治家需要具备哪些素质时,丘...
带领英国人民走向胜利的丘吉尔却被抛弃了,他后来引用古希腊作家普鲁塔克的话说:“对他们的伟大人物忘恩负义,是伟大民族的标志。”7月26日,丘吉尔正式卸下了首相职务。 下台后的丘吉尔开始计划撰写第二次世界大战的回忆录,并多次提到建立一个统一的“欧洲合众国”的设想。1946年丘吉尔访问美国,在...
丘吉尔的一只手在桌子上来回移动,两个手指头向着他夫人 的方向弯曲。旁人对此十分好奇,就问丘吉尔夫人:“您丈夫 为何这样若有所思地看着您?他弯曲着手指,来回移动又是什么意思呢?”“这很简单,”丘吉尔夫人回答,“离家前我俩发生了小小的争吵,现在他正在承认那是他的过错,那两个弯曲的手指表示...