(1) やるだけのことはやったし 翻译:做的已经都做了。(2) 後は合格発表の日を待つだけだね 翻译:发榜后,我只是在等待那一天。(3) すみません 翻译: 对不起,劳驾,谢谢。(4) どうぞお构いなく 翻译:请别麻烦了。满意的话请采纳哦!
请帮忙翻译一下这几句话 口语用
1.我是你明天将要教的学生 I'm your student tomorrow.2.老师叫我来接你 My teacher asked me to pick you up.3.你上出租车时可以把电话给司机,我来告诉司机地址 You may give the phone to the taxi driver, and i will tell him the addresss.4.我在学校的正门等你 I'll wait for ...
1.你在故意挑我毛病么? Are you picking on me?2.来双份杰克丹尼尔,要加冰。Double Jack Daniels on the rocks.
You take the subway station XX to me, to the XX station A1 exports after the call me, and then the subway station waiting for me, I come to find you
1. 搞什么鬼?高兴就来学校 不高兴就不来 何をしたのですか。都合で学校に来たり来なかったりしているのですね。2. 在班上高兴就不睡觉 不高兴就睡觉 授业中のクラスでは、居眠りしたりしている。3. 高兴就好好坐着 不高兴就在班里走来走去 授业中の教室では、胜手に歩いたりして...
1. 你往后边站一点。You, step back a little.2. 你往前边一点。You, step forward a little.3. 你往左边一点。You, move to the left a little.4. 你往右边一点。You, move to the right a little.5. 你挡我路了。Excuse me. (这样说本身就有请对方让路的意思了, 再加上you are ...
1. Don't joke with me!2. Be imprisoned \/ Lie in prison.3. Be filled with anxiety all day long.4. Put things clear.5. Don't always use this matter to threaten me.6. I can't bear it.7. All one's life is just so so.
我们以为他们大部分人都要反对这个计划。3.Since we can't make up our minds,we'll have to toss for it.既然下不了这个决心,那我们就扔硬币吧。4.The girl grinned from ear to ear when her mother gave her a new cell phone.当她妈妈给她一个新手机的时候,这小女孩脸都笑烂了。纯...
go back to America?3. What is the biggest difference between american and chinese?4. How do you think of chinese culture?5. What is the difference between living in the united states and living in china?6. Do you like traveling?7. What instrument do you like (best)?