Option Explicit
Dim 按钮(3, 3) As String
Dim 数 As String, 数1 As String, 显示 As String, 计算 As String
Dim 开始 As Boolean, mXs As Boolean, 复位 As Boolean
Dim pX As Integer, pY As Integer, mW As Long, mH As Long, bW As Long, bH As Long
Const Pi As Double = 3.1415926
Private Sub ItemSkin(ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long, _
ByVal Caption As String, Optional ByVal State As Integer = 0)
Dim i As Long
Select Case State
Case 0
For i = Y1 To Y2 Step 15
Line (X1, i)-(X2, i), RGB(160 + 95 * (Y2 - i) / (Y2 - Y1), 160 + 95 * (Y2 - i) / (Y2 - Y1), 160 + 95 * (Y2 - i) / (Y2 - Y1)), B
PSet (X1 + 2 * pX, Y1 + 2 * pY), &H80000010
PSet (X2 - 2 * pX, Y1 + 2 * pY), &H80000010
PSet (X1 + 2 * pX, Y2 - 2 * pY), &H80000010
PSet (X2 - 2 * pX, Y2 - 2 * pY), &H80000010
Line (X1 + pX, Y1 + pX)-(X2 - pX, Y2 - pY), &H80000010, B
Case 1
For i = Y1 To Y2 Step 15
Line (X1, i)-(X2, i), RGB(160 + 95 * (Y2 - i) / (Y2 - Y1), 160 + 95 * (Y2 - i) / (Y2 - Y1), 160 + 95 * (Y2 - i) / (Y2 - Y1)), B
Line (X1 + pX, Y1 + pX)-(X2 - pX, Y2 - pY), &H80C0FF, B
Line (X1 + 2 * pX, Y1 + 2 * pX)-(X2 - 2 * pX, Y2 - 2 * pY), &H80C0FF, B
Case 2
For i = Y1 To Y2 Step 15
Line (X1, i)-(X2, i), RGB(255 - 95 * (Y2 - i) / (Y2 - Y1), 255 - 95 * (Y2 - i) / (Y2 - Y1), 255 - 95 * (Y2 - i) / (Y2 - Y1)), B
PSet (X1 + 2 * pX, Y1 + 2 * pY), &H80000015
PSet (X2 - 2 * pX, Y1 + 2 * pY), &H80000015
PSet (X1 + 2 * pX, Y2 - 2 * pY), &H80000015
PSet (X2 - 2 * pX, Y2 - 2 * pY), &H80000015
Line (X1 + pX, Y1 + pX)-(X2 - pX, Y2 - pY), &H80000015, B
End Select
PSet (X1 + pX, Y1 + pY), &HA06040
PSet (X2 - pX, Y1 + pY), &HA06040
PSet (X1 + pX, Y2 - pY), &HA06040
PSet (X2 - pX, Y2 - pY), &HA06040
Line (X1, Y1)-(X2, Y2), &HA06040, B
PSet (X1, Y1), Me.BackColor
PSet (X1, Y2), Me.BackColor
PSet (X2, Y1), Me.BackColor
PSet (X2, Y2), Me.BackColor
Me.CurrentX = (X2 - X1 - Me.TextWidth(Caption)) / 2 + X1
Me.CurrentY = (Y2 - Y1 - Me.TextHeight(Caption)) / 2 + Y1
Print Caption
End Sub
Private Sub FormRecord(ByVal i显示 As String, Optional ByVal i计算 As String = "")
Dim iX As Integer, iY As Integer
Line (1200, 240)-(mW - 240, 600), &H80000005, BF
Line (1200, 240)-(mW - 240, 600), &HC0A0A0, B
ItemSkin 240, 240, 1080, 600, "AC"
For iX = 0 To 3
For iY = 0 To 3
ItemSkin bW * iX + 240, bH * iY + 840, bW * (iX + 1) - 120, bH * (iY + 1) + 600, 按钮(iX, iY)
Me.CurrentX = mW - Me.TextWidth(i显示) - 360
Me.CurrentY = (360 - Me.TextHeight(i显示)) / 2 + 240
Print i显示
Me.CurrentX = 1320
Me.CurrentY = (360 - Me.TextHeight(i计算)) / 2 + 240
Print i计算
End Sub
Private Sub mMouseMove(Button As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim iX As Integer, iY As Integer
If X > 240 And X < 1080 And Y > 240 And Y < 600 Then
ItemSkin 240, 240, 1080, 600, "AC", IIf(Button = 1, 2, 1)
ElseIf X < 240 Or X > mW - 240 Or Y < 840 Or Y > mH - 240 Then
FormRecord Format(显示, "0.#######"), 计算
For iX = 0 To 3
For iY = 0 To 3
If X > bW * iX + 240 And Y > bH * iY + 840 And X < bW * (iX + 1) - 120 And Y < bH * (iY + 1) + 600 Then
ItemSkin bW * iX + 240, bH * iY + 840, bW * (iX + 1) - 120, bH * (iY + 1) + 600, 按钮(iX, iY), IIf(Button = 1, 2, 1)
ItemSkin bW * iX + 240, bH * iY + 840, bW * (iX + 1) - 120, bH * (iY + 1) + 600, 按钮(iX, iY)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function mCount(ByVal i数 As String, ByVal i计算 As String, Optional ByVal i等 As Boolean = False) As String
On Error GoTo ErrStr
If 计算 <> i计算 Then
计算 = i计算
数1 = 数
mCount = 数
ElseIf (i等 Or 开始 = False) And 计算 <> "" Then
Select Case 计算
Case "+"
数1 = Val(数1) + Val(i数)
Case "-"
数1 = Val(数1) - Val(i数)
Case "*"
数1 = Val(数1) * Val(i数)
Case "/"
数1 = Val(数1) / Val(i数)
End Select
mCount = 数1
ElseIf i等 Then
mCount = 数
mCount = 数1
End If
复位 = i等
开始 = True
Exit Function
显示 = 0
数 = 0
数1 = 0
开始 = False
mXs = False
计算 = ""
mCount = "Error"
End Function
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 8 Or KeyAscii = 27 Then
显示 = 0
数 = 0
数1 = 0
计算 = ""
mXs = False
ElseIf Chr(KeyAscii) >= 0 And Chr(KeyAscii) < 10 Then
If 开始 Then 数 = 0
If 复位 Then
数1 = 0
计算 = ""
End If
If Len(CStr(Val(显示))) < 8 Then 数 = 数 & IIf(mXs, ".", "") & Chr(KeyAscii)
显示 = 数
开始 = False
mXs = False
复位 = False
ElseIf Chr(KeyAscii) = "." Then
If Int(显示) = 显示 Then mXs = True
ElseIf Chr(KeyAscii) = "+" Or Chr(KeyAscii) = "-" Or Chr(KeyAscii) = "*" Or Chr(KeyAscii) = "/" Then
显示 = mCount(数, Chr(KeyAscii))
ElseIf Chr(KeyAscii) = "=" Then
显示 = mCount(数, 计算, True)
End If
FormRecord Format(显示, "0.#######"), 计算
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim iX As Integer, iY As Integer, n As Integer
pX = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
pY = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
Me.AutoRedraw = True
Me.KeyPreview = True
Me.FontSize = 12
Me.Caption = "计算器"
For iY = 0 To 2
For iX = 0 To 2
n = n + 1
按钮(iX, iY) = n
按钮(3, 0) = "*"
按钮(3, 1) = "/"
按钮(3, 2) = "-"
按钮(3, 3) = "+"
按钮(0, 3) = "0"
按钮(1, 3) = "."
按钮(2, 3) = "="
显示 = 0
数 = 0
数1 = 0
开始 = True
FormRecord Format(显示, "0.#######"), 计算
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 1 Then mMouseMove Button, X, Y
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
mMouseMove Button, X, Y
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If X > 240 And X < 1080 And Y > 240 And Y < 600 Then
显示 = 0
数 = 0
数1 = 0
计算 = ""
mXs = False
ElseIf X < 240 Or X > mW - 240 Or Y < 840 Or Y > mH - 240 Then
ElseIf (X - 240) \ bW = 3 Then
显示 = mCount(数, 按钮((X - 240) \ bW, (Y - 840) \ bH))
ElseIf (X - 240) \ bW = 2 And (Y - 840) \ bH = 3 Then
显示 = mCount(数, 计算, True)
ElseIf (X - 240) \ bW = 1 And (Y - 840) \ bH = 3 Then
If Int(显示) = 显示 Then mXs = True
If 开始 Then 数 = 0
If 复位 Then
数1 = 0
计算 = ""
End If
If Len(CStr(Val(显示))) < 8 Then 数 = 数 & IIf(mXs, ".", "") & (按钮((X - 240) \ bW, (Y - 840) \ bH))
显示 = 数
开始 = False
mXs = False
复位 = False
End If
FormRecord Format(显示, "0.#######"), 计算
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
mW = IIf(Me.ScaleWidth > 3000, Me.ScaleWidth, 3000)
mH = IIf(Me.ScaleHeight > 3000, Me.ScaleHeight, 3000)
bW = (mW - 120) / 4
bH = (mH - 840) / 4
FormRecord Format(显示, "0.#######"), 计算
End Sub