Regulation of financial services in the UK usuakky develops in response to the previous crisis rather than in anticipation of the next one.
Discuss this opinion ,making reference to at least two events which have identified weaknesses in the Uk regulation and identifying any response to these events. You should also discuss whether recent changes in the system are covered by this opinion as well or whether they reflect a more forward thinking approach.
Your answer should be between 2000 and 2500 words and should be word-processed.
Your answer should demonstrate the ability to obtain and coordinate information from a number of sources together with an analysis of the issues raised.
You should also identify key themes from across the examples and topics discussed and draw inferences and conclusions from them.
usuakky 为 usually
2.中英文皆可,最好是英文,万分感感 !!!!!!!!后还有重酬!!!!
肢体语言是安静的,隐秘的以及最强大的语言! 双臂:你怎么把双臂向您展示了如何开放接受是你遇到的人。性格外向的人通常会使用他们的双臂做出大的动作,而安静的人让他们靠近自己的身体。如果有人让你生气,只是用你的双臂,以显示你不快乐! 头:当你想展示你的信心,保持头部水平。如果你是在...
高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
1.我们有一只幸福的家庭.We have a happy family.2.我认为每个中国乒乓球运动员都是最棒的.I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll n...
1、这件衣服款式您满意吗?我们店里大小号都有。Is this type fit you?We have all size.2、您试穿这一件看看,这件比较适合您。You can try it.It will fit you 3、我们店都是从韩国进的服装。All the clothes came from Korea 4、很荣幸帮您的忙。您有什么需要可以随时找我当翻译。It ...
会议室Meeting Room 说明:不否认其他翻译的正确,但是要选择现在商务中常用的;财务部,技术部,前面的财务,技术,工程等以n为好,一般无人用adj,如我司Operating Dept 运营部Marketing Dept营销部。division,根据我所了解信息,一般为大公司的大的分区,如GE亚洲区,GE Asia Division,公司部门间一般...
can be, I would find her.知识就是力量,我们应该具有广博的知识.Knowledge is power, we should have broad and profound kowledge.我记得我们早年读过书.I rememberd that we did read some books several years ago.没有你的帮助,我就失败了.Without your help, I would be failed....
5.付款方式 Payment Method 6.转帐 Transfer 7履约订金19777元 Deposit Payment : RMB19777 8.定金付款时间 Deposit Payment Date:9.2011年11月30日前 before 30 Nov 2011 10.应付余额 19778元 Payable Balance : RMB19778 11.余额付款时间 payment time of the payable balance 12.同传翻译完成...
13,Discount 折扣 14,Disc Type 折扣类型 15,Disc Amount 折扣金额 17,original cost 原金额 18 Retail 零售 我就只知道这麽多了,其他的不太清楚,希望可以帮到你!以下为你原文中涉及到的缩写:PO---purchase order NBR---number DESC---description QTY---quantity DISC---discount ...
翻译如下:Iraqis in the distance, you can hear my call it? Idle since passed away, still alone. Ye Yi deep, but refused to sleep, a promise for you wish, so that the stars of the night sky, the water sent to the party.Wave, and you farewell, silently silent, eyes ...
天堂是一个地方附近 所以,没有必要说再见 我想请你不要哭,我将永远为您服务 刚才你的视野中消失 你展开你的翅膀,你已经远走高飞 送走了一些不明 希望我能够为你带来回 你永远是我的心 关于撕毁自己除了。您有特殊的地位,在我心中 总是天堂是一个地方附近 所以我won't的那么遥远 而如果你尝试...