请问还有么 急啊 在线等
追问鲁鲁修之类的 妖精的尾巴 柯南 比较有名的
We Can Be Both of God And The Devil ,Since We`re Trying To Raise The Daad,Against The Stream of Time. 我们既是神也是魔鬼,因为我们要令时光倒流,让人起死回生。——贝尔摩得
A Secrt Makes A Woman Woman 。一个秘密让女人更女人——贝尔摩得
Gear have stuck place, if let it barely moving, the ultimate goal is to let all vanish like soap bubbles, or want to start over, return to normal,Efforts to recover after the part,You're just afraid, afraid to start all over again. 齿轮总有卡住的地方,最终是要一切都化为泡影,还是要重头来过,恢复正常,努力追回落后的部分,你只是害怕,害怕重头来过。——柯南
Justice.....not casually hang in mouth edge placed something like..... but the secret treasure in my heart..... 正义.....并不是随随便便挂在口边摆样子的东西......而是秘密的珍藏在自己心中的东西.....——佐藤警官
谢谢 柯南的还有么