There was a man whose dog had died. Before he buried the dog, he took
the dog to the vet to see if for sure the dog was dead.
The vet says, Put him on the table here.
He opened a door, a cat walked around the dog once and returned inside
the little box and the vet close the door.
The vet said, Yep, your dog's dead, that'll be 200 dollars.
200 dollars, the man said, don't you think that's a little bit
excessive just to tell me my dog's dead?
The vet said, "Well, it's 40 dollars my fee, 160 for the cat scan."
(翻译:一班射击,二班投弹,我来给你们做示范。刘德华带着张惠妹在周星池喝水,突然刮起了谢霆风 ,从水中出了一条吴奇龙,吴奇龙手持郑伊剑,骑着黄家驹,抢走了张惠妹 ;刘德华手持周华剑,踏着温兆轮 ,翻过了赵本山,穿过了关芝林 ,跃过了潘长江 ,抢回了张惠妹,回到了郭富城,还在城中挂起了一面任贤旗 !甲看见乙提...
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I'll jump off self-sacrifice, 那我就舍己为人跳下去,hope you to be able to work well.希望你们以后能好好工作。well, my speech is over. " 好,我的讲话结束了。”of two subordinates immediately applauded ...两个下属立刻鼓掌……and they fell down ...结果他们掉了下去。祝你成功!
"The farmer replied, "What's time to a pig?" 一天,有一个城市里的游客来到一个小乡村,在乡间路上开着车,想看看农庄是什么样子,也想看看农夫怎样种田过日子。这位城里人看见一位农夫在宅后的草地上,手中抱着一头猪,并把它举得高高的,好让它能够吃到树上的苹果。城里人对农夫说,"...
1。 The Problem with Probability Student: Teacher, I found that there's a problem with the probability formula.Teacher: Really? what is it?Student: There're 50 students in the class, so theoretically, there's a 2% chance of me being asked a question. But I answered almost ...
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One day, Fly Mom and Fly Son are having lunch together.Fly Son was asking his Mom: Why do we have to eat shit everyday?Fly Mom was very angry and said,Do not say those disgusting words while you're having your meal. Eat, while it is still hot!
帮助的人:22万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1.一农民嫖妓,JI说:“草地一次十块钱,椅子一次二十块,床上一次五十块。农民抛出五十元,JI笑道:先生好有情调哟!农民说:”情调个P,五十块,草地上五次。 2. 一女在厕所小便,一醉鬼酒后误入,听到哗哗尿声,忙说:别到了,我真不喝了!女吓坏了,不敢再...