
我的朋友并没有叫我赫敏,我就是我,如果有人把我当成现实生活中的赫敏,那是大错特错。”   ————艾玛·沃特森   
艾玛·沃特森1990年4月15日出生在法国巴黎,5岁那年艾玛的父母返回英国并定居牛津郡,艾玛在那里长大成人。2000年8月,10岁的艾玛在经历了8轮试镜后,被选中出演赫敏·格兰杰。接下来的10年间,艾玛陆续拍摄了8部哈利波特系列影片,这段时期,艾玛在全球各地的受欢迎程度不断上升。赫敏这个角色已经深入人心,甚至有些人认为现实生活中的她也一定是满头的棕色头发。 从艾玛走进《哈利波特》的剧组开始,就注定要脱离正常人的生活,她曾因上课时间太少而面临退学的危险。尽管《哈利波特》系列电影所带来的金钱收益早已足够她衣食无忧地过完下半辈子,艾玛·沃特森依旧用行动证明着学业在她心目中的重要性,请私人教师补习课程,跟导演请假参加考试,她的作业亦由专人在学校和摄影棚之间传递交给老师批改。有时艾玛会觉得这样的生活苦不堪言:“我每天早上6时起床、晚上9时才回家,这样的生活已经持续了11个月,这就是我的人生。”但仍认为能够拍戏是一件十分幸运的事,假如让她再选一次,哪怕一百年以后,她仍会坚持当初的选择。2006年,艾玛在GCSEs中通过了10门,包括8个A+和2个A.艾玛所取得的成绩简直就是赫敏在她的O.W.L.s考试中的真实写照!艾玛在拍片的同时处理好学业的同时,还热衷于冰球、网球和跑圈子比赛,并且是一位出色的田径运动员。她还是位艺术学者,在片厂里面有着最华丽最有创意的化妆间。

My friends didn't call me hermione, I am I, if someone take me for real life hermione, that's dead wrong. "- Emma Watson
Emma Watson on 15 April 1990 was born in Paris, France, five years old parents back to Britain and Emma settled in Oxfordshire, Emma grew up there. In August, 2000, 10 years experience in the Emma eight rounds audition after being selected in hermione granger. The next 10 years, Emma took 8 in the harry potter series film, this period, Emma in the world's popularity is on the rise. The role of hermione already thorough popular feeling, even some people think of the real life she also must be profuse brown hair. From Emma walked into the "harry potter" crew began, was destined from normal life, she had little time for class and face the danger of drop out. Although harry potter film series brings the money she had enough income to over the fullness the rest of my life, Emma Watson remains with the action that school in her mind the importance, please private teacher tutorial courses, with director asks for leave to participate in the test, her homework by the specialist in school and also between the teachers mark transfer to the studio. Sometimes Emma may find this life miserable: "I woke up at six every morning at 9, when they go home, this way of life has been 11 months, this is my life." But still think can take sport is a very lucky, if let her to select a time, even after one hundred, she'll still adhere to the original choice. In 2006, Emma GCSEs in the 10 door, including A + 8 and 2 a. Emma the achievements it is hermione in her O.W.L.S examination of the real story! Emma in shooting and deal with the school at the same time, still keen on ice hockey, tennis and run circle game, and is a good track and field athlete. She was a art scholars in the most gorgeous inside of factory has the most creative make up.
第1个回答  2011-12-17
My friends don't call me Hermione. I'm me. If amyone thinks that I am Hermione in real life, then they're dead wrong. ---Emma Watson

Emma Watson was born in Paris, France, on the 15th of April, 1990. At the age of five, Emma's parents returned to England and settled in Oxfordshire, where she spent the remainder of her childhood. In October, 2000, the then 10-year-old Emma was cast as Hermione Granger after 8 rounds of auditions. Over the next 10 years, Emma acted in 8 films in the Harry Potter series during which her popularity grew consistently all over the world.

The character, Hermione, became so instilled in people's minds that some imagine her with a head full of bushy brown hair in real life. From the moment Emma walked onto the Harry Potter set, she was destined to lead a life that would be far detached from the ordinary.

At one point in time Emma was in danger of being expelled from school due to skipping too many classes. Although her role in the Harry Potter series has earned her enough for her to live the rest of her life in luxury, Emma Watson's actions attest to her dedication to education. She hired a private tutor and took days off from filming to attend tests. Her homework was specially delivered to her on the set from the school and her completed work was delivered to the teachers to be marked.

Sometimes, Emma felt that her life was unbearable, "I've been getting up at 6 in the morning, and getting home at 9pm for the last 11 months. That's my life."

But Emma still thinks that she is lucky to be able to act. If she were to choose again, even after another century, she would still stand by her choice.

In 2006, Emma passed all 10 of her GCSEs subjects, including 8 A-pluses and two As. Emma's achievements are like the reflection of Hermione's O.W.L.s Exam scores in real life!

Aside from her studies and acting, Emma is also an avid participant of hockey, tennis and track-and-field. She is also quite the artist, her dressing room boasts some of the most spectacular and creative decorations in the studio.
第2个回答  2011-12-17
My friends didn't call me Hermione, I am I, if someone take me for real life hermione, that's dead wrong. "-————— Emma Watson
Emma Watson was born on 4.15.1990 in Paris, France, five years old parents back to Britain and Emma settled in Oxfordshire, Emma grew up there. In August, 2000, 10 years experience in the Emma eight rounds audition after being selected in hermione granger. The next 10 years, Emma took 8 in the harry potter series film, this period, Emma in the world's popularity is on the rise. The role of hermione already thorough popular feeling, even some people think of the real life she also must be profuse brown hair. From Emma walked into the "harry potter" crew began, was destined from normal life, she had little time for class and face the danger of drop out. Although harry potter film series brings the money she had enough income to over the fullness the rest of my life, Emma Watson remains with the action that school in her mind the importance, please private teacher tutorial courses, with director asks for leave to participate in the test, her homework by the specialist in school and also between the teachers mark transfer to the studio. Sometimes Emma may find this life miserable: "I woke up at six every morning at 9, when they go home, this way of life has been 11 months, this is my life." But still think can take sport is a very lucky, if let her to select a time, even after one hundred, she'll still adhere to the original choice. In 2006, Emma GCSEs in the 10 door, including A + 8 and 2 a. Emma the achievements it is hermione in her O.W.L.S examination of the real story! Emma in shooting and deal with the school at the same time, still keen on ice hockey, tennis and run circle game, and is a good track and field athlete. She was a art scholars in the most gorgeous inside of factory has the most creative make up 你有不会的还可以来问我哦!!!
第3个回答  2011-12-17
My friend didn't call me Hermione, I am I, if people treat me like a Hermione in real life, it is completely mistaken." -- -- Emmma Watson。
Emmma Watson was born in April 15, 1990 in Paris, France, at the age of 5, Elmar's parents returned to Britain and settled in Oxford County, Elmar grew up in adult. In 2000 August, 10 year-old Elmar after 8 round of auditions, was chosen for the role of Hermione Grainger. For the next 10 years, Elmar has photographed the 8 Harry Potter film series, during this period, Elmar worldwide popularity continues to rise. The role of Hermione 's win support among the people, even some people think that real life she must be his brown hair. " Harry Potter" from Elmar into the crew began, destined to break away from normal life, she was facing a class too little time to drop out of the danger. Despite the" Harry Potter" series of movies have had enough money to live comfortably after her to spend the rest of my life, Emmma Watson still use actions to prove academic in the eyes of her importance, please tutor tutorial course, with the director ask for leave to take the exam, her homework from staff in schools and studios to pass between the AC to the teacher correcting. Sometimes Elmar would feel like life suffer unspeakably:" every morning I get up at 6, 9 at night when it home, this life has lasted for 11 months, this is my life." But still considered capable of shooting is a very lucky, if let her again, even one hundred years later, she will still adhere to the original choice. In 2006, Elmar GCSEs through 10, including 8 A and 2 A. Elmar 's achievements is the Hermione in her O.W.L.s examination of the true portraiture! Elmar in the film at the same time handle the academic at the same time, is also a keen hockey, tennis and running circle competition, and is an excellent track and field athletes. She is also an artist who, in the film inside the factory has the most beautiful the most creative make-up room.
第4个回答  2011-12-17