
1. 为了维学校业利益,保护学校的商业秘密,特制订本保密制度,学校全体员工必须严格遵守。
2. 本规定所称的商业秘密是指不为公众所知悉,能为学校带来经济利益,具有实用性并经学校采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息,以及学校依法律规定或者有关协议的约定,对外承担保密义务的事项。
3. 可能成为学校商业秘密的技术信息包括管理制度、教学改革方案、教学方法、招聘录用方案、工资奖惩制度等等。
4. 可能成为企业商业秘密的经营信息包括学生名单、学生家庭信息、招生计划、财务资料、名牌策略、经营项目、管理诀窍、内部文件、会议纪要、经济合同、合作协议等等。
5. 任何员工不得刺探、过问与本职工作无关的商业秘密;不得以任何方式泄露企业的商业秘密。
6. 严格遵守学校秘密文件、资料、档案的登记、借用和保密制度,秘密文件应存放在有保密设施的文件柜中,借用秘密文件、资料、档案须经样校长或办公室主任批准;不得在公共场所谈论学校秘密事项和交接秘密文件。
7. 秘密文件、资料、档案不得私自复印、摘录和外传。因工作需要复印时,应按有关规定校长或办公室主任批准。
8. 员工发现学校商业秘密被泄露或者因自己过失泄露商业秘密,应当采取有效措施防止泄密进一步扩大,并及时向总经理报告。
9. 员工调职或离职时,必须将自己保管的秘密文件、资料、档案或其他东西,按规定移交给校长或主任,不得随意移交给其他人员。
10. 学校根据实际情况和需要,与知悉或可能知悉学校商业秘密的员工另行签订《保密协议》,保密的内容、范围、权利、义务、期限、保密费和违约责任等事项从《保密协议》的规定。
11. 未经学校同意,员工在职期间不得自营或者为他人经营与学校同类的营业。
12. 学校根据实际情况和需要,与知悉或可能知悉学校商业秘密的员工另行签订《竞业限制协议》,约定员工从离开学校后的一定期限内,不得在生产同类且有竞争关系的产品的其他学校内任职,学校向员工支付一定数额的补偿费。
13. 生产同类且有竞争关系的产品的学校的具体范围、竞业限制期、竞业限制补偿费和违约责任等事项从《竞业限制协议》的规定。竞业限制期限最长不超过 3年,竞业限制补偿费按年计算为员工离开学校前一年从学校获得的报酬总额的三分之二。

Six, security system and the competition restriction
1. To d school industry interests and protecting the school of business secret, formulated for the security system, the school all employees must be strictly observed.
2. As mentioned in these provisions refers to the commercial secret is not known to the public, can bring economic benefits to the school, is practical and take security measures by the school of technical information and business information, and the school in accordance with laws and regulations, or about the agreement, foreign obligation of confidentiality issues.
3. May become school commercial secrets of the technical information including management system, teaching reform program, teaching methods, and the recruitment hire scheme, wages rewards and punishment system and so on.
4. May become enterprise business secret business information including students list, the student family information, to recruit students to plan, financial information, famous brand strategy, the project of business, management know-how, internal documents, meeting minutes, economic contract, agreement, etc.
5. Any employees may not spying on, to ask job has nothing to do with the business secret; In any way leak of commercial secrets of the enterprise.
6. Strictly abide by the school secret documents, materials, file registration, borrowing and security system, the secret documents should be stored in a secret facilities in file cabinets, use the secret documents, material, archives shall be subject to the approval of the director of office of the principal or sample; Not in a public place to talk about school secrets and handover secret documents.
7. The secret documents and material, archives not to rob the copy, excerpts and outreach. Because of the job needs them, should according to relevant provisions of the office of the principal or approval.
8. Staff found that the school was leaked or commercial secrets for his negligently divulges commercial secrets, and shall take effective measures to prevent further expand the leak, and promptly report to the general manager.
9. Staff reassigned or leaves, keeping secret must be document, material, files or other things, according to the rules, turned over to the principal or director, do not get optional over to other researchers.
10. School according to the actual conditions and needs, and is aware of or may be aware of the commercial secrets of the school staff be entered into the confidentiality agreement, confidential content, scope, rights and obligations, period, fees and the responsibility of breach of confidentiality matters, such as from the provisions of the confidentiality agreement.
11. Without the school consent, in-service period shall not proprietary or for others with the same kind of school management business.
12. School according to the actual conditions and needs, and is aware of or may be aware of the commercial secrets of the school staff be entered into the competition restriction agreement, contract staff from the after leaving school within the given time limit, and shall not in production and have the same competitive relations of the products in other schools work, school staff to pay a certain sum of compensation.
13. Production and competitive relations of the same product school specific scope and restrictions on stage and restrictions on such matters as the compensation and default responsibility from the competition restriction agreement "regulation. The competition restriction time limit the longest do not exceed 3 years, the competition restriction compensation according to the calculation for the employee left school in the year before the total remuneration from the school obtain the two-thirds.
第1个回答  2011-12-27
Six, confidentiality and non-competition

1 for the Victoria School industry interests, protect the school business secret, tailor-made order this secrecy, the school staff must strictly abide by.

2 the provisions referred to the business secret refers to the public, can bring economic benefits for the schools, is of practical use and with the school take security measures of the technology information and management information, as well as the school in accordance with the law or the agreement, foreign undertake the obligation to keep confidential matters.

3 may become the school business secret technical information management system, including the plan of teaching reform, teaching method, employment, salary and rewards and punishment system and solutions.

4 may become the commercial secrets of enterprises management information includes a list of students, student family information, enrollment plan, financial information, brand strategy, business, management, internal documents, meeting minutes, economic contract, agreement etc.

5 Any employee not spying, intervene and job unrelated commercial secret; not in any way to divulge the commercial secret of the enterprise.

6 strictly abide by school secret documents, data, the registration files, borrowing and secrecy, secret documents should be stored in a secure facility in a filing cabinet, borrowed from the secret files, data files must be approved by the president or the like, director of general office approval; must not be in public about school Secrets and secret file transfer.

The 7 secret files, data files, not allowed to copy, and unauthorized biography excerpt. Because of the need to copy, should according to the relevant provisions of president or director of general office approval.

8 employees found school commercial secret was revealed by their own negligence or disclose trade secrets, shall take effective measures to prevent the disclosure further expanded, and timely reporting to general manager.

The 9 employees transferred or leave, must keep his secret files, data files, or other things, according to the provisions of transferred to the president or director, shall not be transferred to other persons.

In 10 the school according to the actual situation and needs, and is aware of or may be aware of the school of business secret staff separately signed a confidentiality agreement" confidential", the content, scope, rights, obligations, duration, security fees and liability for breach of contract and other matters from the" provisions of the confidentiality agreement".

11 without the agreement of the school, in-service period shall not be self or others business similar to the business and school.

In 12 the school according to the actual situation and needs, and is aware of or may be aware of the school of business secret staff separately signed" agreement of prohibition of business strife agreement", employees from leaving the school after a certain period of time, not in the production of similar and there is competition between the products of other schools within the school office, staff to pay a certain amount of compensation fee.

13 production of similar and there is competition between the products of the school, the specific scope of the non-competition period, competition restriction compensation and liability for breach of contract and other matters from the" provisions of the non-competition agreement". Prohibition of business strife for the longest period of not more than 3 years, competition restriction compensation fee calculated on a yearly basis for staff to leave school before a year from the school paid 2/3 of the total.
第2个回答  2011-12-27
Confidentiality Regime &Competition Prohibition
1. To preserve our school’s interest and business Confidentiality, hereby we make this rules and require all staff to abide by strictly.
2. The business Confidentiality mentioned here means all technical and business information that have practical applications and been taken Confidential measures, and any items stipulated that our school have confidentiality obligation based on any laws or agreements.
3. The technical information that may be regarded as the business secret of our school include:
Management system, teaching reform scheme, teaching method, Advertise Enrollment plan, salary system of encouragements and penalties
4. The business information includes: Student List, Student background information, enrollment plan, financial data, brand strategy, project items, management trick, internal documents, meeting minutes, economy contract, corporation agreement and so on
5. Any employee must not pry for, question all business secrets that have no deal with their own work, or disclose secrets in any way.
6. All Registration &Borrow& Confidentiality regulations on secret documents, data or archives must be abided by strictly; all secret documents must be placed on the file cabinets with Privacy settings; all secret information borrow must be approved by headmaster or office director; Talking about secret items or transferring secret documents must be forbidden.
7. Not to copy, abstract or spread secret documents, data or files. Any copy activities relative with work demand must be approved by headmaster or office director.
8. Any staff ,who found the secret leakage that may be caused by personal faults or corrupt, should take effective measures to prevent future spread and report to our general manager
9. Any staff that transfer or discharge position, must keep their own secret documents, and hand them over to the headmaster or director, must not be turned to others.
第3个回答  2011-12-27
好长啊 还没有分数