

规则:You pick the idiom in front of a word, and must be on an idiom behind a word or sound the same as before(你所接成语前面的一个字,必须和上一个成语后面的一个字相同或者音相同才可以)
成语:Have a well-thought-out plan ——a family letter reports peace.—— Enjoy wealth and honor glory, splendour, wealth and rank—— Guierjianmu ——consider everyone beneath one's notice ——bit is sheer fiction——e obvious to people .——something to ( 胸有成竹 竹报平安 安富尊荣 荣华富贵 贵而贱目 目无余子 子虚乌有 有目共睹 睹物思人 )
第1个回答  2011-10-22
hi - in - no - on - not - tree - eat - tell - long - get - top - pet - talk - keep - photo - open - need - dead - death - hear - rare - equal - lot - take - end - dog - girl - log - give - email - leap - potato - option - number - road - deed - delete - either - remember - read - dumpling - .......希望对你有所帮助!原来常听说语文上的成语或词语接龙,还有英语接龙,挺新颖的。
第2个回答  2011-10-22
hi - in - no - on - not - tree - eat - tell - long - get - top - pet - talk - keep - photo - open - need - dead - death - hear - rare - equal - lot - take - end - dog - girl - log - give - email - leap - potato - option - number - road - deed - delete - either - remember - read - dumpling ......第一次听说有英语接龙,你们老师太刁难你们了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!55555追问


第3个回答  2011-10-22
hi - in - no - on - not - tree - eat - tell - long - get - top - pet - talk - keep - photo - open - need - dead - death - hear - rare - equal - lot - take - end - dog - girl - log - give - email - leap - potato - option - number - road - deed - delete - either - remember - read - dumpling

规则:You pick the idiom in front of a word, and must be on an idiom behind a word or sound the same as before(你所接成语前面的一个字,必须和上一个成语后面的一个字相同或者音相同才可以)成语:Have a well-thought-out plan ——a family letter reports peace.—— Enjoy wealt...

1.cap---pie--- egg---glass--- square--- eye---English 2.music---clap---pet ---tea---act---tear---room

Regret fling in a timely manner as the sun sets has a limited life on the run never missing a blatant there is nothing of timidity(后悔不及 及时行乐 乐此不疲 疲于奔命 命在旦夕 夕阳西下 下落不明 明目张胆 胆小怕事 事在人为 )Casual - relaxed and happy Yiqingbielian --- -...

Regret fling in a timely manner as the sun sets has a limited life on the run never missing a blatant there is nothing of timidity(后悔不及 及时行乐 乐此不疲 疲于奔命 命在旦夕 夕阳西下 下落不明 明目张胆 胆小怕事 事在人为 )Casual - relaxed and happy Yiqingbielian --- -...

1、英语和国语成语接龙,或者是英语、国语单词接龙 2、玩一愚惊人游戏,就是多个人,分为若干组(大部分情况分两组),每组轮流进行:派一个人A丢筛子,得到一个模式(唇语、动作、绘画、语言、摸奖和抢答,摸奖和抢答先不管,主要是前面4种);丢第二个筛子,得到一个数字(有的也不丢第二个筛子...


- rare - equal - lot - take - end - dog - girl - log - give - email - leap - potato - option - number - road - deed - delete - either - remember - read - dumpling - ...希望对你有所帮助!原来常听说语文上的成语或词语接龙,还有英语接龙,挺新颖的。

hi - in - no - on - not - tree - eat - tell - long - get - top - pet - talk - keep - photo - open - need - dead - death - hear - rare - equal - lot - take - end - dog - girl - log - give - email - lea...

- death - hear - rare - equal - lot - take - end - dog - girl - log - give - email - leap - potato - option - number - road - deed - delete - either - remember - read - dumpling - .希望对你有所帮助!原来常听说语文上的成语或词语接龙,还有英语接龙,挺新颖的.

