Teaching sex education improves medical students’ confidence indealing with sexual health issues
Medical students at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland can volunteer to participate in an undergraduate options project that gives them the opportunity to provide sex education for secondary school (high school) pupils. Using a questionnaire presenting a set of fictional case histories, we assessed medical students’ theoretical confidence at dealing with sexual health consultations. Students who had participated in delivering peer-led sex education felt significantly more confident at discussing sexual health issues with patients of all age groups (p=.001) than students who had not participated in the project. All students felt more comfortable seeing patients of the same gender as themselves but more than half felt that their training left them generally ill-equipped to handle sexual health consultations. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Sex education; Medical student education
1. Introduction
Health professionals in many specialties need to be able to communicate effectively with patients who have sexual health problems. However, a survey undertaken in 1993 reported that “physicians generally appeared uncomfortable when discussing personal issues, and frequently lacked communication skills” [1]. Teaching sexual and reproductive health matters to medical undergraduates is often restricted to genitourinary medicine (GUM) and gynecology departments. A survey of undergraduate GUM teaching in UK medical schools, found that the mean time devoted to this teaching had decreased from16.4 h in 1984 to 15.1 h in 1993 [2]. These figures masked considerable variability between medical schools, with teaching times ranging from 0 to 41.0 h. Only one third of consultants who taught them felt that more than 80% of students would be able to take a sexual history upon graduating. A more recent survey of undergraduate teaching on HIV/AIDS in medical and dental schools also showed significant disparity between allocated teaching times (3–34 h) [3]. This paucity of
undergraduate teaching in sexual and reproductive health may help to explain why patients are often said to be dissatisfied with physicians’ attitudes towards sexual health issues [1].
At the University of Edinburgh as part of the undergraduate curriculum in medicine, an options module has been introduced to the course in the second year of 5, which involves medical students participating in a variety of projects. One project offers students the opportunity to train as peer-group sex educators and deliver a sex-education program in Edinburgh schools. In a report of the project [4] the authors postulated a benefit to the medical students in terms of developing communication skills, knowledge and awareness of sexual health issues. However, no formal evaluation was made.
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