求救! 哪位英文高手帮忙翻译一下综述摘要!

充血性心力衰竭(Congestive heart failure)是一种常见临床综合征。心衰患者血浆中B型利钠肽(B-type natriuretic peptide,BNP)水平显著增加,其可作为血浆标志物用于心力衰竭的诊断、严重程度的判断、临床治疗效果及预后的评估。外源性的脑钠肽可以显著改善急性失代偿性心力衰竭的症状,已有相关药物问世。其治疗的疗效性已得到证实,但在治疗的同时也可以引起严重的不良后果,作为药物是否能够在临床上推广,仍需大规模前瞻性随机双盲的循证医学依据。

The congested heart failure is one kind of common clinical synthesisdrafts. The heart fades in the patient blood plasma the B advantagesodium peptide level remarkable increase, its may use in the heartfailure diagnosis as the blood plasma sign, the serious degreejudgement, the clinical treatment result and the pre- after appraisal.The extraneous source brain sodium peptide may remarkably improveacutely loses the commutation heart failure the symptom, had therelated medicine to be published. Its treatment curative effectobtained the confirmation, but also may lead to the serious not goodconsequence during treatment, took whether the medicine can in onclinical promote, still needed the large-scale foresightedness to bestochastic double blindly follows the card medicine basis.