

第1个回答  2011-11-14




1.Andrew 安德鲁 (男人气质的)

2.Charles 查尔斯 (男子气概的)

3.David 戴维德 (真实的朋友)

4.Dennis 丹尼斯 (豪爽的酒神)

5.Duke 杜克 (先驱领导者)

6.Frank 弗兰克 (率直自由者)

7.Harry 哈里 (家族统治者)

8.Jack 杰克 (上帝的恩宠)

9.Louis 路易斯 (神勇的武将)

10.Martin 马丁 (骁勇的战神)


1.Alice 爱丽丝 (尊贵和善的)

2.Angela 安杰拉 (飞翔的天使)

3.Caroline 卡洛琳 (勇敢的少女)

4.Donna 唐纳 (贵妇与淑女)

5.Frances 弗朗西斯(自由的少女)

6.Grace 格蕾丝 (优雅的女士)

7.Jessica 杰西卡 (上帝的宠儿)

8.Linda 琳达 (美丽的少女)

9.Susan 苏珊 (百合花般的魅力)

10.Sharon 莎伦 (少女公主)


1. Alice: Hi ,Angela.It,s you.Nice to see you here.

2. Angela: Oh,Alice.Nice to see you again.

3. Alice: You look much more beautiful.

4. Angela: Really,thank you.You,too.Are you here for the camp?

5. Alice: Yes.My mother wanted me to learn more English.

6. Angela: Just like my Mum.They are always gossip.

7. Alice: Ok.Forget it.Look at your watch.It's so nice.

8. Angela: That's from my mother as a birthday present.

9. Alice: So,do not complain.You have a great mother.

10. Angela: Sure.I love her very much.But I don't like her to be fussy.

11.Alice: Neither do I.


12.Andrew: Hi, you two.What are you talking about?

13.Alice: Hi,Andrew.We're talking about mothers.

14.Andrew: No good words?My mother wanted me to be good at English.

15.Angela: Your English is really terrible.

16.Andrew: But,it's not my problem.My family teacher is second-handed.

17.Alice: Perhaps,you learned your English by discount.

18.Andrew: Really smart. I know only 20 English letters now.

19.Angela: What a pitty! Silly boy.

20.Alice: Perhaps,Andrew's head is second-handed.


21.Charles: Let's come here and take a picture together.

22.David: Come on,everybody.Let's take a photo.

23.Charles: Well.Silent,please. Look at me and say "cheese".


24.David: Well done. Thank you all.Next,let's go this way and have a look at the lake.

25.Caroline: Why did we say "cheese" when we took a picture?

26.Donna: Say "cheese".You have to open your mouth and show your teeth.

27.Caroline: You are right. Everyboday is happy when they take a picture.

28.Donna: People in China always say "茄子” when they take photos.

29.Caroline: Smiling is the most beautiful language in the world.

30.Donna: Do other animals smile?

31.Caroline: I don't think so. If a cat smiles at night when you sleep,what do you think?

32.Donna: That will be terrible.


33.Frances: Grace,look at the flowers.How beautiful the flowers are!

34.Grace: Yeah.The garden is really beautiful.

35.Dennis: What are you looking at,girls?

36.Frances: Flowers and grasses. Aren't they beautiful?

37.Dennis: Sure.They are.But I like tall trees.They look like boys,tall,strong and powderful.

38.Grace: But,flowers are just like girls,slim,beautiful and gentle.

39.Dennis: Flowers are weak,girls always cry.

40.Frances: On sunny days,we smile,laugh,sing and dance.You cannot imagine a girl is laughing in a rain-storm.

41.Dennis: Sounds terrible.

42.Grace: Dennis,you will be frightened to death.

43.Dennis: OK.I'd better get away from here.


44.Duke: look,the water in the lake is so clear.

45.Frank: Yeah.There must be a lot of fish in the lake.

46.Duke: I think so.By the way,do you like fishing?

47.Frank: No.But my father does.He goes fishing every Sunday.

48.Duke: There is a story about rabbit's fishing. Would you like to listen?

49.Frank: Sure.Go ahead,please.

50.Duke: A rabbit always went fishing in the river.When he did so,he always took his favourite food, some carrots with him.And he took the carrot as the lure.One day,the fish in the river jumped out of the water.And the fish shouted, "Damn rabbit.If you use the carrot again,we will kill you".

51.Frank: Then,my father is the rabbit.He always threw his chewing gum into the water when fishing.

52.Duke: Perhaps,some day,the fish will come out of the water,and shout at your father.


53.Jessica: Look at the girl over there.Who is it?

54.Linda: It is Susan,one of my classmates. She is the top student in our class.

55.Jessica: Hi,Susan.How are you?

56.Susan: Fine,thank you,and you?

57.Jessica: Not too bad.What are you reading?

58.Susan: A novel.

59.Linda: She wants to be a writer in the future.

60.Jessica: Really?

61.Susan: Nothing like what she said.

62.Linda: You may read her blog.It is very interesting.

63.Jessica: I will. Wish that you can be a famous writer,like the writer of "Hanry Potter".

64.Susan: I just don't like our text-books.

65.Linda: Neither do I. I like stories very much.

66.Jessica: Our text-books are boring.They make my IQ much lower than before.


67.Harry: Jack,what do you usually do in your spare time?

68.Jack: Well.Frankly speaking,I have little time to enjoy myself.

69.Harry: Why?

70.Jack: I have to spend much time on my homework.You know,we have too much homework every day.

71.Harry: Poor boy.We have not so much homework.But my mother asks me to attend different learning groups.

72.Jack: What kinds of groups?

73.Harry: like English group,Chinese writing group, maths group,even boxing exercise.

74.Jack: Perhaps you are too weak,not strong enough.

75.Harry: Sometimes,I really want to quit my study.

76.Jack: Then,what will you do?And what can you do?

77.Harry: I don't know.Perhaps I can be an armyman.

78.Jack: You? An armyman? I don't think you are tall enough to be an armyman.

79.Harry: How about a body-guard? My boxing is skillful enough.I am sure I can make it.

80.Sharon:Who can be a body-guard? I need one.

81:Jack: How much will you pay for a body-guard?

82.Sharon:I have no money at all.But in the future,I will pay together. He will get a lot of money all together.

83.Harry: Then,we have to wait,and wait for you to become a VIP.

84.Jack: She can be a famous actress or a pop singer.


85.Alice: Certainly.Sharon is good at singing songs.She is my classmate.I know her quite well.

86.Angela:Let her sing a song for us,will you?

87.Alice: Please,Sharon.Will you please sing us a song. You are so popular here.

88.Sharon:Well.I'd like to sing one of my favourite songs.



89.Caroline: Who is your favourite singer,Sharon?

90.Sharon: I think SHE is my favourite singing group.

91.Louis: But,I like Jay Zhou best.

92.Martin: What? I beg your pardon?

93.Sharon: He said that he liked Jay Zhou best.

94.Martin: Oh,my god. His voice is so terrible. I cannot bear it.

95.Caronlin: As a man, he is really not clear enough.


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