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Manipulating the teaching method plays a key role in learning English well, which can also improve the efficiency and teaching result. In middle school English teaching, the relation between language knowledge and ability should be treated correctly. On the foundation of students' grasping language knowledge, we should use high-quality teachers as media to transfer the language knowledge into language using ability. At the same time, listening, speaking, reading and writing shouldn't be separated, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar should be combined with listening and speaking, strengthen the exercise of every parts of them, which can finally make full use of integrating advantage. In middle school English teaching, English teacher should pay attention to exploring suitable teaching method and means, cultivating the students' interest for English learning
第1个回答  2011-11-20
In order to improve the teaching effect and efficiency, and use of the teaching method is the key to master English well. In the middle school English teaching, to recognize language knowledge and the relationship between the ability of using language, with the high quality teacher as the middle media, promote the students master the language in the premise of knowledge, ability to use language transformation. At the same time, to overcome the separation of listening, speaking, reading and writing, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and will hear union, strengthen listening, speaking, reading and writing skills each link of training, and maximum overall effect. In the middle school English teaching, English teachers should pay attention to and explore the proper teaching methods and means, cultivate the students' interest in learning English.
第2个回答  2011-11-20
In order to improve the teaching effect and efficiency, reasonable use of teaching method is the key to learn English well. In middle school English teaching, to have a correct understanding of language knowledge and the ability to use the language relationship, with a highly qualified faculty as an intermediate medium, promote the students to master the language knowledge under the premise, to the ability to use the language transformation. At the same time, in order to overcome the problem of disconnection between speaking and writing, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and the combination of listening and speaking skills, strengthen all aspects of training, to maximize the overall effect. In the middle school English teaching, English teachers should pay attention to and explore the appropriate teaching methods and means, to cultivate the students' interest in learning english
第3个回答  2011-11-20
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第4个回答  2011-11-20
In order to improve the teaching effect and efficiency, reasonable use of teaching method is the key to learn English well. In middle school English teaching, to have a correct understanding of language knowledge and the ability to use the language relationship, with a highly qualified faculty as an intermediate medium, promote the students to master the language knowledge under the premise, to the ability to use the language transformation. At the same time, in order to overcome the problem of disconnection between speaking and writing, pronunciation, listening and speaking skills, strengthen all aspects of training, to maximize the overall effect. In the middle school English teaching, English teachers should pay attention to and explore the appropriate teaching methods and means, to cultivate the students' interest in learning english..........