15篇初二英语日记 要翻译 60——80词左右 谢了

先给20分 能用的多了再加分 一篇5分 不要网上的那些雷同文章 最好自己写的那种 一定要有翻译啊!

i have to go English classes every Saturday and Sunday. although i want to enjoy my holidays, i know this is the thing i must try my best. the English classes let me know a lot about the western culture and life. some of them are quite different from the things here in our country. for example, how to have the soup? the soup in some foreign countries, such as France, is kind of solid. so what we should know is the way how we use the scoop. do you know this? find it out and have a try. (English classes)

还有吗? 最好再来3篇 那样我就给你20分 谢了


What the things we can do much more in vacation? of course, that is watching TV. and this day-offs the programs we watch the most are the sports matches. i like ping-pong most. which one do you love best? for the time with the games, my homework is far away from the real end. but you know, it's worth! now i'm making the efforts. how about you? do you have the same problem with me? aha~(watch TV)

tomorrow is an important day for me. why? because my parents will take me out and play with me for the whole day. they promise me that i do will have a nice day and do will have lots of delicious food i love best. so how wonderful it is! how can i not write it down in my diary and keep this happy memory in my mind as long as possible? i can't stop thinking the great things tomorrow. what about yours? how many days do you have to play with your parents? (go out with parents)

第1个回答  2012-08-09
希望对你学校有所 帮助
第2个回答  2012-08-09

我按篇加分 我能用的一篇5分

第3个回答  2012-08-09

我有用 谢了!有几篇给几篇 好了给加分!要关于暑假的记事文章 不要网上的雷同!能自己写更好!能用一篇我给你按篇加分!
