

1. Water Pollution
Water pollution is caused by waste from factories and cities. Oceans are able to clean themselves, but certain seas,once they become dirty, are not able to do so. One example is the Mediterranean which lies between Europe and Africa. It has onlyeone narrow entrance to the ocean in the west. On quarter of the shores of the Mediterranean are polluted and are no longer safe for swimming, as a lot of diseases are present in the water. In most places it is not safe to eat the fish.
Lakes also have the same problems. Lake Baikal in Asia was once the cleanest in the world, with over 700 different kinds of plant and animal life. Now, however, the waters of this great lake, which is also the world's deepest (over 1,740 metres), have been dirtied by waste from a chemical factory.
In 1989 an oil tanker hit a rock off the northwest coast of Alaska. 35,000 tons of oil poured into the sea. The accident was one of the worst in history. More than 34,000 birds and
10,000 animals were killed. 4,800 square kilometres of ocean were polluted.
To protect environment has no time to delay. Pullution and desertization spread out dramatically every time which imperils more than 60 countries in the world.

Someone said, "we should not be immersed in the profits getting from the nature. In fact, the nature always has revenged once we do." Man never stop asking for the resources since they appear. Now, our motherplan has been scared too much.

More and more environment problems loom up, and who are these problems caused by? Man! When the disaster comes again and the nature starts to unstoppably revenge for the pain man brought, eventually, we awake now. If we want to conquer the nature, we has to respect it. We should be careful of alteration of the nature in order to balance the natural harmony with our interest.

As a student in the modern edge, I appeal all the students to improve the consciousness of protecting environment, and suggest the olders and middle ages joining it as well. Contribute what we can do for protection of the only earth and benefit our offspring.
第1个回答  2012-08-23

1. Water Pollution Water pollution is caused by waste from factories and cities. Oceans are able to clean themselves, but certain seas,once they become dirty, are not able to do so. One example is the Mediterranean which lies between Europe and Africa. It has onlyeone narrow...

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