

1.youth just like a roared past train that has gone forever.there so many rarity memories for you,good or sad, the people I encounterd and what I did in this train will be engraved in my mind. I have three storis,please spend a few to litsen to me and may be you will find the shadow of your self.
2.hereto,the stories are over. In this train, we brushed against each other and tarried, someone got off on passage and someone will always beside you.however,only three words I want to say:determination,trust and give up.
3.we were so young, want to cherish but didnt know how to,want to give the best happiness to each other but couldnt keep the balance between love and private aim,go on the rampage result in hurts,maybe we both need more time and space to accumulate and grow up
下班了 最后一个回去补上追问


第1个回答  2012-10-18

1.Our youth is a passing train, for which on back track exists. The numerous memories loaded on this train, either
beautiful or painful, are priceless. The person I came across and what I’ve done during the journey is engraved on my soul. Here I have three stories to narrate, listen
to me and you may probably find your epitome in them.

This is the end of my story. During the journey, we choose to brush past or stay around. Some get off the train on the way, while some
accompany you throughout the entire journey. What I want to emphasize are three words: resolution, belief and abandoning.

Since we are so young, we are always at a loss on how to cherish each other even if we want to. We hope to provide each other the top
happiness, but fail to get a balance between love and pursuit in the process. We are scarred after careless wrong doings.Maybe more time and space are needed for us to considerate
and grow up.
Sometimes, I wonder, why the God set us such an instant encounter as well as a farewell. The beloved two hearts are cruelly parted with too muchuneasiness and fear, and those inessential reasons.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-10-18



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我英语不太好。。。请大家帮我尽量准确的用英文翻译一下“人只有在寂 ...
people only in lonesomely will mature

帮忙翻译一篇文章(英译汉) 尽量翻译得通顺一点

the river grown huge and pulled him into it. The water poured along down fields and ruined many houses and then made a new big river. The young boy changed to be a dragon, who was been locked here by two God.希望有帮助,说实话,我小时候听过这个故事,当时也很感兴趣的去田...

您可以放心采纳,有什么地方需要解释请和我联系,谢谢 如果合心意的话请加分,译这个花了不少时间 - - - 曾经犯过的错,解释再多,只会被看成是借口。虽然无意,但在别人看来并不是。Once you've done something wrong, it doesn't matter how much you explain, it just turns into excuses....


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