请用英语翻译“因为学非所用,怕专业知识荒废。一旦找到学以致用的工作,我会全力以赴地投入工作”。 谢谢



As what I'm doing has little to do with what I've learnt in the university, I fear that my professional knowlege would be wasted, therefore, I'm looking for a new job matching my major and will dedicate myself to it.

第1个回答  2012-10-23
The afraid expertise abandoned because the previous work Xuefeisuoyong,. Once you have found the work to apply their knowledge, I will go all out to work.
第2个回答  2012-10-23
Because many professional knowledge, afraid of waste. Once you find learn in order to practise the work, I will go to all lengths to work
第3个回答  2012-10-23
What i have learnt is not put into practice now, therefore, in case that i may forget my professional knowledge, once i get a job in which i can use it, i will be fully devoted in doing it.
第4个回答  2012-10-23
I am worried that I will forget what I have learned that is why I will put in great effort after I found a job that is related to my major.

...一旦找到学以致用的工作,我会全力以赴地投入工作”。 谢谢_百度知 ...
不能直译,参考如下:As what I'm doing has little to do with what I've learnt in the university, I fear that my professional knowlege would be wasted, therefore, I'm looking for a new job matching my major and will dedicate myself to it.全是我自己来的,还算专业,若帮到了...


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