As a qualified college students, we should have all the knowledge gained as much as possible, because you do not know which day will be used on. In the future uncertain circumstances, the only constant is from the community itself would not be eliminated 中文如下:作为一名合格的大...
作文:我身边的小能人 450-500字左右 急!
在我们班级里,有很多“小能人”,有“书法小能人”秦怡涵,有“绘画家”严梦旭,还有“足球高手”瞿亚锋```可给我印象最深的要数“飞毛腿”张颖了。 她长着一张瓜子脸,眼睛大大的,厚厚的嘴唇。她平时很文静,不太爱说话。有时,别人夸奖了她,她脸上会渐渐害羞起来,红通通的脸蛋像一个熟透了的苹果。她做作业也比...