i think i am like many people in that i have better ideas in my sleep than when i am awake ,and,like most people , i have a hard time dragging myself from my bed or even rolling over to write some of what i have dreamt in a notebook that i have left on the nightstand,i have often tried,but most of the time i am unable to do justice to my dream,the dream is always more detailed than what i write down ,Dreams are like water,the different parts of your unconscious brain just seem to flow together into strange stories
急用.英语:Urgent in need of.例如:He is urgent in need of some money.
急用!过秦论 下 的原文与翻译,谢谢
这么多的份上,多加点分吧···。 5. 文言文翻译 急用 孟子拜见齐宣王,对他说:“通常所说的故国,不是指那国家有高大的树木,而是指它有累代的功勋之臣。 你眼下没有亲近的臣子了。过去使用提拔的人,如今已被罢免而不知去向。” 宣王问:“我怎样才能辨识不称职之臣而不用他呢?” 孟子说:“国君选拔贤臣...
《晋书 王衍》的翻译···急用
文言文启蒙读本21.22原文及翻译, 尽快,急用!!最好还有注释和练习题...
翻译成英语 急用
Excuse me, is this XX Restautrant please?2.是的,你有事吗?Yes. What's the matter?3.我找经理VICTORY。I'd like to speak to Maneger Victory.4.我就是 .I am.(电话:Speaking.)5.我想在今晚预订一张十人的餐桌。I'd like to book a table for ten peaple tonight.6.请问是今晚...
The hungry boy ate up all the food in the refrigerator that he could get his hands on.2.大学生应该尽快使自己适应不断变化的社会。(adapt oneself to)College students should soon adapt themselves to the society that is constantly changing .3.经济危机的责任在于商人,而不是劳动人民。
翻译成英语 急用
Quickly by the end of term, I find whom time pass quickly.回想刚来的时候,一切都是那么的新鲜,一切都是那么不同于中国,现在已经可以适应了.Recall when just been hering, everything is so fresh, everything is different from China, can already suit now.而现在 ,我们马上就到了第一次...
No matter what you say, I will stick to my plan.3.雨一停,我们就动身。When rain stops, we'll leave.4.从下午四点钟到现在,她一直在写信。From four o'clock till now, she has been writing the letter.5.他打算暑假时去桂林。He plans to visit Guilin in the summer holiday...
谁能帮我翻译一下啊?急用,谢了。 私はあなたを爱し、あなたを爱して爱...
罗马音:Shitekina ai,-ai,-ai, ai. Nani o shitte imasu ka? Puraibēto 语法:1、谁か、何か、または何かが好きな人を指します。指某人特别喜爱某人、某物或做某件事情。2、また、谁かまたは何かを崇拝するために、または亲切に何かを扱うために拡张することができます。还可...