


what a (miserable) day!


Today,the weather was a little bit gloomy.
In the morning,I fixed a date with my friend,we planned to go shopping this afternoon ,then we would go to the park.


However,in the afternoon,it started raining when I had just left my house,then I tried to get back and pick up an umbrella——only to find out that I had left my keys inside ,and nobody was at home!

Thus,I had to keep on moving,and afterward I took a taxi.

It was still raining when I got to the rendezvous,and I almost felt like quitting when I found out that my friend didn't even set out.

Being angry and frustrated,I cancelled the date.

I walked home alone in the rain.

When I got back,I was all drenched,but still there was nobody at home!


I had but to sit at the door for about 3 hours.I had a fever the day after.What a (miserable) day!

第1个回答  2007-12-13
The unforgettable day

今天,天有点阴。早晨我和朋友约好下午要一起去逛街,然后到公园玩。It's a cloudy day today.In the morning,I appointed my friend to hang around this afternoon,and then go to the park.

没想到下午刚出门就下起了非常大的雨,当我想要回家拿伞的时候,才忽然发现我的鈅匙没有带而且家裏也没有人。However,a heavy rain came when I just got out.I wanted to go back to take an umbrella,but I discovered that I didnot take the key with me and there were no one at home.

於是我不得不继续朝前走去,坐上一辆taxi。到了约定的地方后雨还是很大,我发现我的朋友竟然还没有出门甚至有点不想来了。So I had to go forward and get into a taxi.The rain was still heavy when I reached our the place we appointed.However,my friend was still at home and even forgot our appointment.

我有点生气和委屈,於是我取消了这次的约会。一个人淋着育往家走去。等回到家我已全身湿透而且家裏还是没有人。於是我在门口坐了近三个小时。隔天就发高烧了。我想这真是难忘的一天。 I felt sad and a little angry,and I cancelled this appointment.I walked back alone,wet from head to food when I reached home and there were still no one. Hence I had to sit beside the door for nearly three hours,which made me get a fever next day.

我想这真是难忘的一天。I think it was really an unforgettable day.
第2个回答  2007-12-13
What an unforgettable day !

Cloudy,today.In the morning,I made a date with one friend of mine to go shopping this afternoon,and then go to the park.

Unfortunately,it started to rain cats and dogs when I just left my home.Thinking of going back for an umbrella, I was aware of leaving my key at home and nobody in.

So I had to go on and got a taxi.The rain was still so heavy when I arrived at the place.I got to know that my friend was still at home even intending to give it up.

I felt a little angry and hard done by,so I cancelled the date.I had to walk back alone in the rain. When I arrived home,I have got wet from head to foot and there was still nobody in. Hence I had to sit beside the door for nearly three hours,which had made me get a high fever the next day.I think it was really a bad day,unforgettably.
第3个回答  2007-12-12
An unforgettable day

Today, a bit overcast days. Good morning friends约好afternoon and I must to go shopping together, and then have a park to play. Unexpectedly go out on the next afternoon just played a very big rain, when I want to go home with umbrellas when it suddenly found that I did not take the key engines but no one at home. So I have to continue going forward, and get a taxi. By agreement after rain or great places, I found that my friend was not even a little do not want to leave the. I am a bit angry and frustrated, so I canceled the appointments. A person淋着infertility to going home. Back home, and so I have systemic soaked but still no one home. So I sit in front of nearly three hours. On the next day, a high fever. I think this is really an unforgettable day.