1.Do I need to pay a deposit.我需要付押金吗?
2.I'd like to book a suite.我想要预定一个套间。
3.I'd prefer a quiet room.我想要一个安静点的房间。
4.I'd like a room with a view.我想要一个风景较好的房间。
5.I'd like to book a single room.我想要预定一个单人间。
6.I'd like to book a double room.我想要预定一个双人间。
7.I'd like to book a deluxe suite.我想要预定一个豪华套间。
8.What kind of room would you like?您需要什么样的房间?
9.When will you stay in our hotel?您什么时候过来我们酒店?
10.How long will you stay in our hotel?你要在我们酒店待多久?
11.In whose name is the reservation made?是以谁的名义订的房间?
12.Would you like breakfast in our hotel?您要不要在饭店吃早餐?
13.I'd like a room facing the sea/the mountains.我喜欢朝向大海/群山的房间。
14.I would like to book a standard room for three days.我想预订三天的标准间。
15.We will be staying from tuesday for three nights.我们从星期二开始住三晚。
16.The closest tourist destination is the beach.离这里最近的旅游景点是海滩。
17.I'd like to make a reservation for a suite1 with both shower and bath.我想预订一个既带淋浴又带浴缸的套房。
18.Is it just for tonight?只住今晚吗?
19.How long will you be staying?您打算住多久?
20.How long will you stay with us?您打算住多久?
21.How much will that room be?那个房间的价格是?
22.What attractions are nearby?附近有什么旅游景点?
23.Do you have any vacancies now?请问目前有空房间吗?
24.Can I just come some other time?我不能换个时间过来吗?
25.I should look up some hotel rates.我应该查一下一些酒店的价格。
26.I could look up some hotel rates.我可以查一下一些酒店的价格。
27.Then do you have anything less expensive?那你们有其他便宜一点的吗?
28.I heard that your hotel is offering a discount now.我听说你们酒店正在打折。
29.From what date and how many nights will you be staying?要哪天的,您想住几晚?
30.I made a reservation there and I need to change it. 我预订过一个房间,现在我想换一个时间。
31.Can you check to see if there are any vacancies tomorrow?你能帮我查明天是否有空房吗?
32.I'm sorry,but we're fully booked for single rooms.Would you like to have a double one?很抱歉,我们的单人间已经订满了,给您订双人间可以吗?
33.From which country?从哪个国家预订的?
34.Does it include breakfast?包括早餐吗?
35.I have found your booking.我找到了你的订单。
36.Does the price include breakfast?房价是否包括早餐?
37.How about your hotels's location?请问贵酒店位于哪里?
38.I'll check our reservation record.我来查一下我们的预订记录。
39.The facilities at this hotel are great.这家旅馆的设施很棒。
40.We would like a room with a balcony.我们想要一个有阳台的房间。
41.Does your hotel offer pick-up service?请问贵酒店有接车服务吗?
42.I am sorry, no elite room is available.很抱歉,我们没有商务客房了。
43.What time do you expect to arrive,Sir ?请问您大概什么时候到酒店,先生。
44.I want to book a suite for my family and me.我想为我和我的家人订一间套房。
45.It's all right for the 18th ,but not the 19th.18日的订房没问题,但19日恐怕不行。
46.Can you check to see if there are any vacancies tomorrow?你能不能帮我查一查明天有没有空房?
47.I'm going to be arriving late, but please keep my reservation.我晚一点到,请保留预订房间。
48.It's through a third-party website.Sometimes, the bookings can get lost.你是通过第三方网站订的。有时候,订单会出问题。
49.We wil hold your booking until 7:00 pm. without a guarantee.没有任何担保的情况下,我们会为您将房间保留到7点。
50.We have a free breakfast buffet every morning from 6am-9am. Price is 150 dollars.我们每天从早上6点到9点有免费的早餐自助餐,房价150元。
(F: Frontdesk G: Guest)
F: Good afternoon. How may I help you?
G: Can you check me out please?
F: Sure. What’s your room number and name please?
G: My room number is 305 and name is Smith.
F: Wait a moment please. Here is your bill. Please check it to see if the account is correct.
G: The total cost is 330. What’s extra 20 dollars for?
F: That’s for the international phone call you made in the room.
G: Can I pay with a credit card?
F: Of course, you can. May I have your passport, please?
G: Here you are.
F: Here is your receipt. Thank you. Have a nice day.
G: Thank you, you too, bye.
Receiving a walk-in guest. 为散客登记
How many people do you have ,XX Mr./Mrs.? 先生/小姐,请问您有几位?
What kind of room do you prefer,XX Mr./Mrs. Please ? XX先生/小姐,请问您想要哪种房间?
Just a moment, I have to check if there’s a room available XX Mr./Mrs.
Here is a brochure of our hotel and our tariff, XX Mr./Mrs. 先生/小姐 给您我们酒店介绍和价目表。
We’ll give you a 10% discount, XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,我们给您九折优惠。
Would you like to register, please? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请您登记,好吗?
You have to register individually, please. XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请您们分开登记,好吗?
Would you fill in this registration form, please? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐请您填一下登记表。
Would you please put your nationality there, sir? 先生,请您将您的国籍写在这儿。
Would I ask you to put your name in block capital? XX Mr./Mrs.
May I have your occupation, please? 请问您的职业?
Would you sign your name, please? /I’ll need your signature. XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请签名。
Would I see your passport, please?/Sir, would you mind showing your passport? XX Mr./Mrs.
I’m afraid your room is not ready yet. Would you mind waiting, please? XX Mr./Mrs.
How would you like to pay by cash or credit card,XX Mr./Mrs. ? XX先生/小姐,请问您是现金或是信用卡付款?
How long will you stay here,XX Mr./Mrs.? XX先生/小姐,您准备在我们酒店住多久?
How would you like to settle you Account? In cash or by credit card? XX Mr./Mrs.
Please pay at the cashier over there,XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请到那边的收银台付款。
Would you mind filling out this form while I prepare your keycard? XX Mr./Mrs.
May I have your passport so that I can fill in you visa number and place of entry , xx Mr./Mrs.
Would you tell me your departure date? / What time will you check out? XX Mr./Mrs.
Our rack rate is RMB 498,XX Mr./Mrs.. XX先生,我们的门市价格是498元。
The room rate for a double room is RMB 368 plus 15% service charge, not including breakfast. XX Mr./Mrs.
I have to ask you to pay RMB1500 for deposit,XX Mr./Mrs.. XX先生/小姐,您需要付1500元人民币作为押金。
As a hotel policy, we require one day’s room charge as deposit for guests without a reservation.
Would you like a smoking or non-smoking room , XX Mr./Mrs.?
XX Sir/Madam, you room number is 2103. This is your room key. The rate is RMB 498 for one night, no service charge. And the bellboy will show you to your room. Have a nice stay.
Please remember to return your key before you leave our hotel , XX Mr./Mrs.
Sir, Here is your room key and room card for you. And your room rate includes one buffet breakfast in the western restaurant.
The check-out time is postponed to 2:00pm/ You can check out before 2:00 pm tomorrow. XX Mr./Mrs.
XX Mr./Mrs. Would you please sign your name here? XX先生/小姐,请您签一下名?
XX Mr./Mrs. May I confirm your departure date , Please ? XX先生/小姐,能确认一下您的离店日期吗?
内容提要:Registering a tour group 为团队登记 XX Mr./Mrs. Who is the Tour leader, please? XX先生/小姐,请问谁是领队? Id like to reconfirm your reservation and the schedule for the period of yo
Registering a tour group 为团队登记
XX Mr./Mrs. Who is the Tour leader, please? XX先生/小姐,请问谁是领队?
I’d like to reconfirm your reservation and the schedule for the period of your stay. XX Mr./Mrs.
Is there any change in the number in your group ,XX Mr./Mrs.? XX先生/小姐,您的团队人数有变化吗?
You have made a reservation for 14 double rooms and 6 single rooms. Here is the rooming list, is that right? XX Mr./Mrs.
XX先生/小姐,您们预订了14个双人间和6个单人间。 这是住房名单,对吗?
XX Mr./Mrs. Here are the room keys and breakfast vouchers. XX先生/小姐,这是房间钥匙和早餐券。
XX Mr./Mrs. Your check out time is 8:00 a.m. on the 16th. Has there been any change in your schedule? We’ll arrange a morning call at 6:30 am.
XX Mr./Mrs. If there is any change, Would you notify the Front Desk, please?
May I have your check-out time, please? 请问您什么时候结账离开?
2.May I know your nationality, please? 请问您的国籍是什么?
3.Could you fill out the form, please? 请您填写这张表格好吗?
4.Would you like tea or coffee? 请问您要喝茶还是咖啡?
5.What time would you like to eat? 请问您想何时用餐?
6.Good morning, sir. This is the Front Desk. May I help you? 早上好,先生。这里是服务台,请问您需要服务吗?
7.Just a moment, please. 请稍等。
8.Here is your room key. 这是您的房间钥匙。
9.Please enjoy your stay. 祝您住宿愉快。
10.How many pieces of luggage do you have? 请问您有多少件行李?
single room 单人房
double room 双人房
book 预定
socket 插座
sheet 床单
quilt 被子
baggage rack 行李架
management 经理
price list 价目表
tip 小费
1、Sir/Mis, Are you staying or checking out? 先生/小姐,您住宿还是退房吗?
2、Could you ……,please? 能请您……吗? (let the road,让路)
3、Thank you. 谢谢
4、Over here, please. 这边请
5、Please register here ! 请这边登记
6、Thank you for staying with us. 谢谢光临
7、Please enjoy your stay. 希望您住得愉快
1. Hold on 等一下 (口语中,人们不太用wait a minute)如果两人辩论,吵架,抬杠,你要别人“打住”,可以说,hold it right there.
2. I hate his guts. 我最讨厌他。也有说I hate him guts. Guts 是肠子,相当于“恨之入骨”的意思。He doesn’t have much guts. 他是个胆小鬼。
3. Nuts, 果仁,核,为复数时,意为“疯子”,He is nuts。他有神经病。He went nuts and killed a guy.他发疯了,结果杀了一个人。You are driving me nuts. 你真是要把我逼疯。a tough nut to crack, 一项艰巨的任务,一个难解之题
4. How is everything? (还好吗?) I am just stuck in a rut, doing the same things every day. I wish I could do something different. (烦死了,每天都是干同样的活,我真想换个活法。) rut 日常的,每天都如此,get in a rut,日复一日,天天如此
5. I have totally sold out to your idea. 我100%地赞同赞同你的意见。
类似的话还有If you are not careful enough, you will buy into his bad idea. 如果你不小心的话,你就会采纳他的这馊主意。
6. I am just ecstatic about going to visit you soon. 马上要见你,我高兴死了。
7. A dap and dip 打个照面,露下脸就走。 Matt: Are we going to Jon’s party?我们去琼的聚会吗? Darryl: Yeah, but I don’t want to stay long, so let’s make it a dap and dip.那就去吧,不过我可不想多呆,顶多就打个照面就走人。
8. I would like to get a job within couching distance. 我想找个不用走路就可以上班的工作。Couching distance,沙发距离,就是坐在沙发上不起身也能够得着。这是那种 couch potato喜欢做的美梦。
9. Yukky 难吃,说这个词时还要做一个难吃的表情。Where did you get this food? It was yukky. 你从哪里弄了这吃的?那么难吃。
10. 与yukky相反的词是yummy,好吃极了。说这个词时,要不然就把音拖一下,要不然说它两次,表示你真的喜欢主人做的这道菜。