In the summer
We welcome the Olympic
Games in London
I am sure that you
will think of the 2008 Beijing Olympic games.
In that year,that
The whole world in
looking forward
In the opening
ceremony of the Olympic
The Olympic rings
time to shine,
How grand, how
inspire people,
Competition in
many Olympic athletes did not live up to all of their expectations, they let China
once again set in the world,
Their spirit is
worth our learning!
The end of the
game, the whole world is for those Olympic athletes hail!
In the closing
ceremony, we bid farewell to be reluctant to part of the Beijing Olympic Games,
but did not stop the movement, in 2012, the world ushered in the London Olympic games! The
Olympic flame will never die! Let us cheer for the Olympic Games
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英文的行不 Support the Olympics—— Do my own part The year of 2008 is getting closer to us. We Chinese are trying our best to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympics spirit, promote world peace and enhance friendship among people around the world. As a...
总体上没有问题,下面提几个小建议:effience,你是要说效率吗:应该是efficiency every sword has two edges你是想说事物都是双刃剑(两面性),英语中有一个固定的表达:every coin has two sides.opinion 用复数 opinions everytime 最好改成anytime addited不知道是个什么词 最后一句:the only ...
talk with you makes you want to sing那句可以把makes 去掉,重复动词了 后面那句the world feels like 很奇怪,明白你想表达的意思,但是用英语这么说很奇怪,一般只有人feels like吧。可以换成the world seems to be a better place.overcome them 其他感觉很好啊 祝你演讲成功!
英语演讲稿 题目1+1=2?
互相鼓励坚持到救援人员到来,他们收获的不仅是两条生命,更是他们在今后人生中面对任何困难的勇气,还有对全国人民在电视机前期盼更多灾民"活下来"的愿望的宽慰.奥运会羽毛球女子双打的夺金,不仅是两枚金牌,两个人的荣誉,更是祖国的荣耀。你再发挥发挥,副标题就写:it's not always true....
关于奥运过后,奥运精神永存的稿子我才6年级,实在写不出,麻烦哥哥姐姐,出出文章或事例吧!百度号刚创的,没积分,算帮忙吧!要一个人有伟大精神的,要... 要一篇小学生演讲比赛演讲稿!关于奥运过后,奥运精神永存的稿子我才6年级,实在写不出,麻烦哥哥姐姐,出出文章或事例吧!百度号刚创的,没积分,算帮忙吧!要一个...
“九州生气恃风雷”这光茫四射的中国奥运精神,显示出巨大的凝聚力,伟大的创造力,已深入到每一个炎黄子孙的心中,这必将促进社会主义现代化建设,促进改革开放,促进祖国的统一大业!迎奥运小学生演讲稿 2008,一个再普通不过的数字,但是,一提到它,会让多少中国人热血沸腾!一个数字怎么会有如此大的...
it will promote the development of information industry and drives the development of economics. 中文我不大清楚,可以到网上去找。我只能帮你这么多了,要不再来一点吧!关于世博会的英语演讲稿 世博1 First, I’ll say something about World Expo History. As we know, the very first World ...
Long long ago, there was a shepherd boy who grazed sheep on a hill everyday. One day the boy felt a little lonely and wanted to make fun of the farmers laboring at the foot of the hill. So he climbed up a big stone, and shouted: "wolves have come! wolves have come!"...