Thanks a lot for your help.2. 您的周到让我非常感动。I appreciate your kindness and consideration.3. 我会在收到快递后第一时间回复您。I will respond to you at the first time when I get the express delivery.4. 祝您工作顺利 I hope your work goes well....
在线英语的英文是"Online English"。首先,我们要理解这个词组的基本构成。"在线"在英文中通常被翻译为"Online",这个词表示的是与互联网连接,或者是在互联网上进行的活动。而"英语"在英文中就是"English",这个词表示的是一种语言,即英语。将两者结合起来,"在线英语"就是指在互联网上进行的英语学习...
炒:stir-frying 爆:quick-frying 炸:deep-frying 烩:stewing 熏:smoking 煨:simmering 煮:boiling 烘:baking 烤:roasting 蒸:steaming 红烧:braising(with soy sauce)话说这 个性炒 是什么...
轮流做某事turn to do sth 你们真是太好了 you are so nice!代替,而不是instead of 关心,照顾 take care 在回家的路上on way 与...相聚together with 在天空中 in the sky 入睡asleep 某天 one day 在中秋节 in Mid-autumn day 列如 for example 仔细考虑 Careful consideration 情绪好Good...
中文翻译成英文 急!!在线等
We got no other choice, either.半梦半醒之间,我迷茫...Being the borderland between sleeping and waking,I am puzzled,心很痛,乱 乱 乱。My heart is painful, tangled and confused 只剩下最后一点期待`The last expectation I've got 或许,过程永远都是如此艰难 Maybe it's always so ...
操作设备:戴尔电脑 操作系统:win10 操作软件:浏览器 1、 打开百度搜索框,如下图所示:2、输入“百度翻译”关键词,如下图所示:3、在文字框里输入要翻译的文字,如下图所示:4、 选择要翻译成的语言,如下图所示:5 、点击“百度翻译”功能键,如下图所示:6 、查看翻译结果,如下图所示:...
帮忙翻译成英文!在线等 20分!!!
your mind is confused 不要在象这样了 stop being like this 我不希望看到你这样 this is not what i hoped to see 不要总是那么消极的过下去了 stopping being negative about life 既然现在我们选择了 since we've made our choices 就要付出艰苦的努力和一定的时间 we will have to put in ...
Be ready to help others Helpful is a virtue. People should help each other to make life even better.In the bus, we can give seat to the vulnerable groups. On the escalator, we can help some people with mobility problems. We also can go to donate blood to help some patients...