Adrina: So this is your new home office. It’s nice.
Victor: It’s functional, and I like it. When my company decided to lower its overhead by decentralizing, it gave employees the option to work from home. When I heard that, I didn’t think twice about making the change.
Adrina: I’m not surprised. Lots of people would kill to work from home. Did you have to get dedicated phone and fax lines?
Victor: No, I already have a company cell phone, and I mainly use email to communicate with the office.
Adrina: I assume you get to set your own schedule. Do you find it hard to concentrate on your work? I know I’d be distracted all the time if I had a home office.
Victor: It’s true that there are a lot more distractions at home, but I try to block them out. For me, it’s not getting down to work that’s a problem, it’s getting myself to stop thinking about work all the time! That’s one of the drawbacks of working where you live. I’m more productive, but I’m also more work-centered.
Adrina: I can see that, though I’d still take working from home over working at the office any day.
Victor: I thought you had a home office for your real estate business.
Adrina: I do, but it’s not very conducive to getting any work done.
Victor: Why’s that?
Adrina: My home office doubles as the guestroom and the kids’ playroom!
请你尊重别人!看你就是个文盲! 还装呢
Adrina:这就是你家里办公的地方呀,不错不错--- Victor:还行吧,我挺喜欢的。当公司决定通过分散办公来降低支出时,允许员工选择在家办公;我二话没话就搬到家里来了。Adrina:看得出来。不过,好多人非常不愿意在家办公,那你有没有自己专用的电话或传真呀?Victor: 没有。我有办公用的手机,一般...
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1. 黄昏饮马傍交河。2. 行人刁斗风沙暗。 这是唐诗 "古从军行" (李颀) 的两句. 交河是塞外河流的名称 刁斗是行军的炊具. 意思是 "到了黄昏 军队要让马匹喝水 于是到了交河畔" 和 "军队带着刁斗 在风沙敝日的情况下前行" 3. 胡雁哀(呜)夜夜飞,胡儿眼泪双双落。 也是 "古从军行" 的两句 ...
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