急求一篇英语作文。120个词就够啦。题目是science is a sword of two sides


第1个回答  2012-07-27
It is universally known that science is a sword of two side. On the one hand, it makes our life more convinient. We can get easy access to the world at a single click,for instans.However,on the other hand,pessive influence was exerted on us along with the advantages. We sometimes rely too much on the scinece,which can give rise to no end of problems.Every coin has two sides,and the science is no exception. We ought to bring its advantages into full play and reduce its short comings to the minum.In other words, we should weigh the pros and cons,then make better us of the science.
第2个回答  2012-07-26
Someone said,'Science is a kind of technology that helps improving our lives,'However,someone with pessimistic mind will also like to express,'Science just ruin our lives and environment.' To me, I think science is a double-edged sword.

Firstly science helps us to get to know the mystery of our lives. After that we can study and find out how to cure those dieases that may or may not be contagious. Without science, we are just like primitives. Therefore science improves our lives undoubtedly.

Nevertheless if we just abuse the products of science and technology, science can ruin our lives.Dynamite and biological weapons are really good examples. They reward us with danger if we just use them unwisely.

Therefore I think science is a sword of two sides.

I hope i can help you.


第3个回答  2012-07-26
science is a sword of two sides

