

第1个回答  2012-07-19
1. Yould should recite some new words every day, at least 30 words.
2,Read the passage every morning,even recite some good text.
3.listening is necessary for you to improve your English,so listen to TV or MP3 and so on.
4. Write some English sentences every day in your diary.
If you can do these , I'm sure your English will be improved fast.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-07-20
Try to create a balance between listening, speaking, writing and reading and try to do these activities everyday for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Just like losing weight, if you make a plan or routine and stick to it (keep doing it) then you will succeed. 100% E.G.Listening

1.Listen to the radio in English while you drive to and from work. If you take the metro use a mp3 player and download some pod casts or radio programs in English. 2.Listen to the radio in English while you work. If your office does not have any rules about listening to things while you work, keep your radio on low (or use headphones). You will not be concentrating on the English but your will let your ears get used to the sounds of English while you work.3.Listen to the radio when you are at home. While you cook, clean, play with your kids etc4.Choose your favorite English music and look for the lyrics on the Internet. You can read along to the songs, as you hear the words at the same time. Don't have time to search for songs and lyrics? I've done the work for you. 5.Listen to or watch the news on TV. You can find broadcasts of the news on line if you do not have satellite or cable which allows you to change the language to English. 6.Many people ask if watching movies could be the answer to how to study English. I believe it can. Watching movies and DVDs of your favorite TV series is a great way to improve all aspects of you English. Watch with English subtitles at first and then progress to no subtitles.
第3个回答  2012-07-19
remember sentence , translate Chinese into English
第4个回答  2012-07-20
Listen Speak Read Write

If you can do these , I'm sure your English will be improved fast.

学习英语的十个方法 用英语回答

怎样才能学好英语 最是有效的建议和方法
学习英语的方法主要有“四勤”与“四多”,即勤背诵、勤朗读、勤练习、勤总结,多看、多听、多说、多练。掌握了英语学习方法,就等于有了明确的方向,学习效果也将会完全不同。怎样学好英语的方法要学好英语,应做到“四勤”与“四多”,具体说来,有以下几点:勤背诵 积极记忆初中课本中出现的生词...

学习英语的方法:1、Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange Engl...



初中英语学习的建议 1、投资我们的时间和心智。我们并不傻,有足够的智慧和大罩此脑空间来消化储存那些ABCD。别人能学会,我们也能学会,只要我们善于投资自己的时间。越忙的人,越有时间做事;越闲越懒散的人,越找不到时间来做事。2、要从心底滋生出一种对英语的喜爱之情。把学英语当成一个开心而...

问题二:零基础自学英语,怎么背单词 你试试用英语老师给我建议的学英语的软件来学习,适合零基础学习的,我用了一段时间,提高挺快的,是一套的角斗士英语系列的,单词、音标、语法、口语什么的都可以学,比如背单词,你可以选择最基础的词汇开始背,每天规定自己背多少个,每天都会根据艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线自动提醒该复习的单词...


3. 建议从学单词开始就听音背单词(从简单到复杂),建立起人对英语单词声音形象的条件反射能力。而且英语单词的拼写大多数是有规律的,那样你说也就能脱口而出了。 4.多方位多角度来学英语。要经常读报、听广播、看外语电影、听外语讲座、读课本和别人交谈等方式来学英语。5坚持不懈。每天至少看 15-20 分钟的...
