Based on the given physical model, a mathematical model of heat transfer process in the material’s specimen (infinite plate of known thickness) can be presented as follows [4]:
To determine the heat flux on the specimens’ back faces, the sensitive elements are installed there in the form of thin copper plates of 60 ×60 ×0.3mm in size with guard masks (frames) from the same material, se Fig. 3. Two identical specimens have been made for testing: 1a, 1b of the material ETTI-CF-ULT and 2a, 2b of the material ETTI-CF-ERG. A photograph of one of the specimens prior to installation of thermocouples and heat flux sensor is presented in Fig. 4.
When installed on the specimen’s heating surfaces, the thermocouples were fixed on the surface by means of a special thermoresistant compound. The thermocouple junction relative to the specimen’s surface was hence under control. The heat flux sensors with guard masks (frames) installed on the back faces of the specimens were also fixed on the specimen’s surface by means of a special thermoresistant compound. Prior to the thermocouple installation, the calibration and functional test was made. A picture of the EM with installed specimens and removed upper plate of the heat-insulating holder is shown in Fig. 5. The assembled experiment module was installed in the vacuum chamber of stand TVS-1.
很快的[翻译]- Soon \/ quickly 来了吗?[翻译]- are they coming?不一起吗[翻译]- come whit us 不打扰您了[翻译]- Do not bother you 蓝色装备[翻译]- Blue equipment 紫色装备[翻译]- Purple equipment 不是这个啊[翻译]- is not this one 我朋友都没有在线[翻译]- my friend doesn`...
1.桂林以山水美而著名。Guilin is famous for its beautiful mountains and rivers.2.假期的时候许多热门景点都挤满了游客。During the holidays,many popular tourist attractions are full of tourists 3.通过旅游你能了解各地的历史文化知识。You can get a knowledge of the history be making a vi...
I am very appreciated to you. 改为 I am very grateful to you. (可说I appreciate your help. 我感激你的帮助。不可说be appreciated to sb.)修改的全文: I am so glad to learn the good news of you.This is a good start for me.Good marks depend on my hard work, your ex...
跪求高手翻译成英文: 放大梦想 成就未来
magnify the dream , accomplish the future .
跪求高手来翻译英文 求大神 急急急!!!
简单啊 Because of the emergence of the mobile phone, so we can at any time, any place, communicating with anyone, greatly convenient for our life, but also help us understand and make new friends.However, if we are too much in life to use mobile phone to communicate, and...
跪求个英文高手 帮我翻译成英文? 直译太呆板了,英语口语里一般不说“我的女人My woman”,,大多用“Honey宝贝、甜心”或"My darling亲爱的”,。 而“你还记得么?”个人认为用反问句表达的情感更深厚一些,即“你难道忘了吗” 所以,我的翻译是:Do you fet it,my darling? 或者Have ...
(1) "described as" =被形容为 (2) "Yemeni security operations" = 也门军方保安突袭行动 (3) "state-run tv" =国营电视台 (4) "last Friday" = 上周五; 不是<最后一个星期五>!翻译: <也门国营电视台周四引述军事官方消息来源报道, 曾被形容为最危险的舍卜沃省“基地”组织指挥官之一的...
The autumn is the autumnal winds spirit is great.When that autumnal winds is shouted, you will feel the pure spirit of the ream person's absolute being are great, free of mind and happy of heart, the autumnal winds lets the small grass of the yellow green interleave, the big...
它的拉丁学名:Amorphaphallus konjac C.),我想这也就是你采用“康驿”这个名字的由来,你的前半部分于另一问题重复,我直接拷贝过来,余下的部分重新做了翻译。“TM 十八加”不解其义,还望先生告知,此外,不要跪求,我也会热心帮助你的。[疑问] “迁启介”按道理应该是一日本名字,未找到对应英文,抱歉只能按照...
1\/ appetizer Popcorn chicken Fried potato chips German pickled cucumbers Garlic method package Indonesia Curry Puff Salad Shenjin Vegetable Salad Assorted Fresh Fruit Salad The ancient classical Caesar Salad 2\/ soup Coconut Juice pumpkin soup Cream mushroom soup 3\/ steak Laguna top Xuelong ...