

埃及艳后的统治时期(公元前69到30年)是埃及的鼎盛时期。作为一个传奇的政治家,克里奥佩特拉在十七岁的时候就登上了王位,她是埃及的最后一个法老,也是最后一个女王。 但不久,年轻的女王与自己的弟弟/丈夫托勒密十三世开始争夺王位。为了把大权收归己有,她决定与恺撒结盟。当她还是个孩子的时候,她曾亲眼目睹恺撒打败庞贝。
虽然后人都称颂克里奥佩特拉为埃及艳后,但她其实并不是个美人。有一枚流传下来的古币上刻着她的肖像,她的鼻子长而鹰钩,五官很有男子气概。尽管如此,她仍然非常迷人,尤其是声音,极其悦耳动听。她的超凡魅力大部分归功于她的聪明智慧。她会说九种语言,而且是个非常精明的政治家 - 可能这就是为什么她能令恺撒一见钟情。
当恺撒于公元前48年离开罗马前往亚历山大的时候,他收到了历史上最有名的一件礼物:一条东方地毯,22岁的埃及艳后藏身其间。她要依靠恺撒的支持赶走托勒密十三世。她的计划成功了。罗马的援军在她和恺撒订下盟约之后迅速赶到,经过几场战事,托勒密十三世大败并被杀。 公元前47年的夏季,克里奥佩特拉与她的弟弟托勒密十四世结婚。
公元前44年,恺撒被敌人暗杀,克里奥佩特拉找到了她的新联盟 - 安东尼。随后,她成为安东尼的情人。他将罗马帝国的部分疆土,包括塔尔苏斯、昔兰尼、克利特岛、塞浦路斯和巴勒斯坦赐给了女王,以示爱意。
第1个回答  推荐于2016-08-14
The Cleopatra ruling period (A.D. first 69 arrive at 30) is Egyptian heyday. Have accomplished as
soon as short stories of the Tang and Song dynasties statesman , Keliao carry Terra during the
period of seventeen-year-old Deng Shang throne, she is a Egyptian at last pharaoh , is also a
final empress. But, before long, the young empress and self close younger brother/ husband Tuole
thirteen generation begin to contend for a throne. For with power over major issues take back to
self-owned, she decides to ally with Caesar. While she is still child, she once was an eyewitness
to Caesar defeat Pangbei. Though descendants all eulogizes Keliao carry Terra be Cleopatra, but she
is really not a beautiful woman in fact. Have the ancient times one being handed down down to be
carving her portrait on currency, her nose is long but the eagle hooks, facial features has male
person lofty quality very much. Nevertheless, she is still very charming, especially sound , music
pleasing to the ear is extremely pleasant to listen to. She surpass all charm major part giving the
credit to her clever wisdom. She is able to speak nine kinds language , is that the very astute
statesman- possibility will be why she can order Caesar to fall in love at first sight immediately
and. Think that Caesar leaves in B.C. in 48 when Rome goes to Alexander, he has received the most
well-known piece of gift in history: A east carpet , the 22-year-old Cleopatra go into hiding
between them. She needs to depend on Caesarean support to drive close thirteen generation of Tuole
away. Her plan has succeeded. Roman reinforcements prompt when , several war passes after she and
Caesar book an oath of alliance down, close thirteen generation of Tuole is suffered a crushing
defeat and is gone into battle. B.C. summer in 47, Keliao carries Terra and her close younger
brother Tuole fourteen generation gets married. She and Caesar have been started the two months
take a trip before long, they have been supported Dandela straightly along Nile , Keliao ornament
Terra has been respected in there for the pharaoh. Two people indulges in Yu Ai He among, have
given birth to and a son , have bename as young Caesar. In 45 the empress and the young son have
left the Alexander city , have gone to Rome in B.C., live within the palace that Caesar constructs
for them.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2018-04-25

The Cleopatra ruling period (A.D. first 69 arrive at 30) is Egyptian heyday. Have accomplished as
soon as short stories of the Tang and Song dynasties statesman , Keliao carry Terra during the
period of seventeen-year-old Deng Shang  throne, she is a Egyptian at last pharaoh , is also a
final empress. But, before long, the young empress and self close younger brother/ husband Tuole
thirteen generation begin to contend for a throne. For with power over major issues take back to
self-owned, she decides to ally with Caesar. While she is still child, she once was an eyewitness
to Caesar defeat Pangbei. Though descendants all eulogizes Keliao carry Terra be Cleopatra, but she
is really not a beautiful woman in fact. Have the ancient times one being handed down down to be
carving her portrait on currency, her nose is long but the eagle hooks, facial features has male
person lofty quality very much. Nevertheless, she is still very charming, especially sound , music
pleasing to the ear is extremely pleasant to listen to. She surpass all charm major part giving the
credit to her clever wisdom. She is able to speak nine kinds language , is that the very astute
statesman- possibility will be why she can order Caesar to fall in love at first sight immediately
and. Think that Caesar leaves in B.C. in 48 when Rome goes to Alexander, he has received the most
well-known piece of gift in history: A east carpet , the 22-year-old Cleopatra go into hiding
between them. She needs to depend on Caesarean support to drive close thirteen generation of Tuole
away. Her plan has succeeded. Roman reinforcements prompt when , several war passes after she and
Caesar book an oath of alliance down, close thirteen generation of Tuole is suffered a crushing
defeat and is gone into battle. B.C. summer in 47, Keliao carries Terra and her close younger
brother Tuole fourteen generation gets married. She and Caesar have been started the two months
take a trip before long, they have been supported Dandela straightly along Nile , Keliao ornament
Terra has been respected in there for the pharaoh. Two people indulges in Yu Ai He  among, have
given birth to and a son , have bename as young Caesar. In 45 the empress and the young son have
left the Alexander city , have gone to Rome in B.C., live within the palace that Caesar constructs
for them.


埃及艳后的统治时期(公元前69到30年)是埃及的鼎盛时期。作为一个传奇的政治家,克里奥佩特拉在十七岁的时候就登上了王位,她是埃及的最后一个法老,也是最后一个女王。 但不久,年轻的女王与自己的弟弟/丈夫托勒密十三世开始争夺王位。为了把大权收归己有,她决定与恺撒结盟。当她还是个孩子的时候,她曾亲眼目睹恺撒打败庞贝。



公元前44年,恺撒被敌人暗杀,克里奥佩特拉找到了她的新联盟 - 安东尼。随后,她成为安东尼的情人。他将罗马帝国的部分疆土,包括塔尔苏斯、昔兰尼、克利特岛、塞浦路斯和巴勒斯坦赐给了女王,以示爱意。




可是,保存至今的雕像实在是凤毛麟角,好在德国柏林博物馆尚有一尊据称是全世界保存最好最完整的埃及艳后的肖像。 这尊肖像所展示的埃及艳后并不美艳:看上去她就是一个平平常常的女人,头发只是简简单单地打个髻,风格朴实,这样的装扮显然无法俘获罗马将领的爱情。她的鼻子应该属于鹰钩鼻,但她的嘴并不性感。她也不...

埃及艳后的统治时期(公元前69到30年)是埃及的鼎盛时期。作为一个传奇的政治家,克里奥佩特拉在十七岁的时候就登上了王位,她是埃及的最后一个法老,也是最后一个女王。 但不久,年轻的女王与自己的弟弟\/丈夫托勒密十三世开始争夺王位。为了把大权收归己有,她决定与恺撒结盟。当她还是个孩子的时候,...

克娄巴特拉七世(笃爱父亲者)(希腊语:Κλεοπάτρα Φιλοπάτωρ,又译克娄巴特拉七世、克利欧佩特拉七世、克丽奥佩特拉七世;前69年-前30年8月12日),世称“埃及艳后”或“埃及妖后”,古埃及托勒密王朝末代女王。克娄巴特拉七世为托勒密十二世所生,虽然克娄巴...

埃及艳后 有人说,克莉奥佩特拉是“尼罗河畔的妖妇”,是“尼罗河的花蛇”;有人说,克莉奥佩特拉是世界上所有诗人的情妇,是世界上所有狂欢者的女主人;罗马人对她痛恨不已,因为她差一点让罗马变成埃及的一个行省;埃及人称颂她是勇士,因为她为弱小的埃及赢得了22年的和平……克莉奥佩特拉生平简介克莉奥帕特拉七世(Cle...

1、52岁的凯撒(雷克斯·哈里森 Rex Harrison 饰)以罗马执行官的身份驾临埃及,为了解决王室姐弟争位的事端。皇姐克里奥佩特拉(伊丽莎白?泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 饰)美艳绝伦,凭借自身的魅力和政治手腕,迅速让凯撒拜倒在她的石榴裙下,不但获得了对埃及的统治权,而且还以美貌征服了罗马。2、克氏与凯撒完...


Cleopatra KK: []DJ: []n.1. 克利欧佩特拉(古埃及艳后)问题四:简介一下历史上的埃及艳后?要英文版!!! The Cleopatra ruling period (A.D. first 69 arrive at 30) is Egyptian heyday. Have acplished as soon as short stories of the Tang and Song dynasties state *** an ,...

[编辑本段]电影 《埃及艳后》1963 英文原名:Cleopatra (1963)中文译名:埃及艳后 类别: 经典片 (美国)导演: 约瑟夫·L. 曼凯维奇Joseph L. Mankiewicz 获奖:奥斯卡 第36届(1964年) 最佳摄影 、最佳艺术指导 、最佳服装 、最佳视觉效果 时长:192 min | Argentina:233 min | 243 min (roadshow...

