c++程序设计 设计一个矩形类(rect),
cout<<"rect2的周长是"<<rect2.Perimeter()<<endl;cout<<"rect1 和rect2的面积之和为"<<add(rect1,rect2)<<endl;return 0;} 运行结果 rect1的面积是8 rect1的周长是12 rect2的面积是24 rect2的周长是20 rect1 和rect2的面积之和为32 Press any key to continue ...
C++设计 定义一个矩形类Rect 急求啊
Rect * rect = new Rect(10,20);cout<<rect->getArea()<<endl;getch();return 0;} [\/code]
cout<<"rect1 和rect2的面积之和为"<<add(rect1,rect2)<<endl;return 0;} 运行结果 rect1的面积是8 rect1的周长是12 rect2的面积是24 rect2的周长是20 rect1 和rect2的面积之和为32 Press any key to continue
C++程序设计 矩形Rectangle类,通过Rectangle类计算周长和面积。_百度...
rect.setlength(10);rect.Setwidth(15);std::cout << rect ;return 0;}
void OffsetRect(SIZE size);void OffsetRect(POINT point);void NormalizeRect();\/\/ set this rectangle to intersection of two others BOOL IntersectRect(LPCRECT lpRect1, LPCRECT lpRect2);\/\/ set this rectangle to bounding union of two others BOOL UnionRect(LPCRECT lpRect1, LPCRECT lpR...
class Rectangle { public:Rectangle(){ x1=0;x2=0;y1=0;y2=0;} Rectangle(double a1,double b1,double a2,double b2){ x1=a1;y1=b1;x2=a2;y2=b2;} void input(){ cout<<"请输入矩形左下角和右上角顶点的坐标:"<<endl;cin>>x1>>y1>>x2>>y2;} void output(){ cout<<"...
include <iostream.h>class juxing \/\/矩形类 { public:float a;\/\/矩形的长 float b;\/\/宽 public:juxing(float x,float y)\/\/初始化 { a=x;b=y;} public:float getS()\/\/面积 { return (float)(a*b);} float getC()\/\/周长 { return (float)((a+b)*2.0);} };class chang...
include <iostream>using namespace std;class Rectangle { private: double length; double height; double area; double circumference; public: Rectangle() {} Rectangle(double l, double h) { length = l; height=h; } Rectangle(const Rectangle &r) { leng...
= color;}int GetArea() {return this->length * this->width;}bool IsSquare() {return this->length == this->width;}private:int length;int width;string color;};int main(){Rectangle rect;rect.SetLength(100);rect.SetWidth(100);rect.SetColor("红色");cout << "矩形:...
第一种:include <iostream.h> include <math.h> class Rectangle { public:Rectangle(int left,int bottom,int right,int top);~Rectangle(){ } \/\/int GetLeft() {return itsLeft;} int GetBottom() {return itsBottom;} int GetRight() {return itsRight;} int GetTop() { return it...