1.中国变得比以前更美了。China has become more besutiful than before.2.他做鬼脸惹得我们都笑了。The funny face he made amused all of us.3.这样一个小男孩搬如此重的箱子实在太难了。It's too hard for such a boy to carry such a heavy box.4.杭州以西湖闻名。Hangzhou is famous ...
谁帮忙翻译成韩文, 不要用翻译器,别人能看出来的。。急! SOS... 一天...
谁帮忙翻译成韩文, 不要用翻译器,别人能看出来的。。急! SOS... 一天时间. 西汉前206年汉高祖刘邦自称汉王,前202年称皇帝,建立汉朝。8年王莽称帝,改国号为新,西汉灭亡,一共210年。假如不算吕雉和少帝、昌邑王等一些在位不到一年的皇帝的话,西汉一共经历... 西汉前206年汉高祖刘邦自称汉王,前202年称皇...
objects of compassion take full responsibility nearly 50 make light of his words A golden opportunity real leather flexible work hours in hand be advanced in years their curiosity drives them to quoting from herself tired to pale achievability in old age be in a towering rage the dec...
still can be not willing to give up away from home is sweet. Dream comes to wake up fast, jie woke up and returned to the original life orbit, different is, he began his life and to win, to find his happiness.Watching The't man ", "I feel The deepest is: The choice...
可重复性。这项研究评估了重复性的特殊保障和中科院测量。可重复性是衡量该变异之间的独立测试所取得的成果对 同样的实验材料,并可能总体评价考虑标准 偏离或冠状病毒的反复测量( 15 ) 。如图3所示,关系 之间的平均数和标准差都特别保障和中科院展品在一定程度上 异方差,统计来说,由于来形容,越来...
把汉语翻译成英语。 注意人称、时态... 不胜感激 谢啦 大哥大姐们帮帮...
have never said "Thank you" to you but now I want to say"Thank you very much" .你去掉括号里面的汉字,就是一篇完美翻译了。这个翻译就全面了,别忘记给分哦,艾雪香翻译的不错,是用心给你翻译了。但是zcjia123 的翻译纯属是用百度上面的翻译工具直接翻译的,驴唇不对马嘴。鄙视ing!
高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll need to pay 3500 euroes.6.学习雅思.I am preparing for the ITLTS examination.7.Folk大学是一所成人大学,有着60年的历史,在语言教育方面一直处于 领先地位.With a...
帮忙翻译几个中文句子吧 翻成英文 急啊
do you think she kind of 21. Very intelligent person, but a little less good deal 22. He was very friendly and very humorous 23. He is not tall, not strong, but good character 24. Others are not handsome, but very funny 建议LZ还是自己学好英语,这里不是给你答案的地方 ...
一段简单的汉语,大家帮帮忙翻译成英文 很急很急 谢谢了 万分感谢啊!
There, I felt relaxed, without restraints. I realised that even there are unhappy times in life, one must learn to let go and communicate with others.People were wearing colourful clothes. They are engrossed in their studies even its cold in winter. There, I learnt that sometimes...
1、Does your monitor have a tail?2、Don't take the rope.3、Don't feed a bad wolf.4、a lunch pail town 5、summertime dream 1、你的显示器有尾巴?2、不要把绳子。3、不要喂一只坏狼。4、午餐桶镇 5、夏季的梦想 希望对你有帮助!