We call it “Dudu "
I have a dog, it's name is called toot, toot-year-old, and toot fat, which is white. Two eyes and two ears. My dog is smart, I like my dog. How do you like it?
I have a dog named Dudu. He has big black eyes, a straight little black nose and a mouth that never looks happy. He's a pit bull. He's about 7 or 8 years old -already an old man! Short body, skinny tummy, puffy chest and stocky neck - doesn't that look like a ...
【参考翻译】我有一只狗。我的狗的名字叫嘟嘟,嘟嘟9岁了。他很胖,就像穿着一件白色外套。嘟嘟有两个大眼睛和两个小耳朵。它有一个短短的嘴,我的狗是很聪明的。我喜欢我的狗。你喜欢吗?小学一年级英语短文篇3 A busy day This morning I got up early. After breakfast, I helped mom ...
这条狗的名字叫嘟嘟 The dog is called Dudu 觉得我翻译好的话,请采纳。谢谢
eyes and two small ears. It has one short mouth. My dog is smart. I like my dog. Do you like it?【参考翻译】我有一只狗。我的狗的名字叫嘟嘟。嘟嘟是9年。嘟嘟胖。它穿着一件白色外套。嘟嘟有两个大眼睛和两个小耳朵。它有一个短嘴。我的狗是聪明的。我喜欢我的狗。你喜欢吗?
weighted 10kg now.borned on 16th feb. in 2006.dudu is a cute boy.he will hug me and laugh to me to say his special words to u when u be off-work.while, dudu is also a smart boy.he likes to jump on parents and learn walking from us.dudu is a part of our life.
【翻译】我最喜欢的动物---狗 我家的小狗长得十分可爱,圆圆的脑袋上嵌着一双琥珀色的大眼睛。它有一条粉嘟嘟的舌头,到了夏天总是伸出一大截。它的四肢强壮有力,爪尖是白色的。真逗人喜爱。有一天,一只小黑狗啃着骨头,小狗马上窜上去抢。小黑狗一闪,让小狗扑了个空。接着,小狗猛地站起来...
上文“有盗逾墙而入”,意为有个小偷翻越墙头进入庙内。又“逾午方至”,意为过了中午才到;“年逾六十”,意为年龄超过了六十岁。 编辑本段智犬表现: 一.智犬是警觉,能够及时发现小偷,提醒僧人注意; 二.智犬是记忆,在第二天可以准确的从5,6个人里面发现小偷。 狗有思维能力,能够把这两点做的很多,可谓其...
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UR So Gay英文歌词及中文翻译
我如此吝啬因为你无法自拔 i'm so angry cause you rather myspace instead 我如此生气因为你我行我素 i can't believe i fell in love 我无法相信我坠入爱河 with some one that wears more makeup than...和一个画着更加浓艳装的。。。you're so gay and you don't even like boys 你...