

Though being relatively restricted particularity comparing with other literature works, the University Entrance Exam Compositions still belong to works of China’s Copyright law, which should be protected by the law. They are not assignment works, neither legal person works nor commissioned works, their only authors are the candidates of the University Entrance Exam who enjoy the complete right of authorship. However, determined by the special characteristics of the compositions, relevant education administrative department can make use of them which have not yet been published by the candidates within the responsibility range of implementation of the National University Entrance Exam; at the same time, there is always a legal barrier of being unpublished when somebody legally utilizes them in form of reasonable or statutory licensing use. While when the candidates implement the right of authorship to the compositions, they have to face the obstacles of having not the manuscripts and unknowing about the comments, which have caused the difficulty to use the copyright normally and legally, but fostered infringement acts like illegal gain by the media, illegal publishes of compositions and the overflow of false full-mark, high-mark, and zero-mark ones. It is copyright infringement behavior that news agencies, magazines, internet and book publishers publish University Entrance Exam Compositions without candidates’ permissions and payment of rewards.
第1个回答  2012-06-20

第2个回答  2012-06-20
The university entrance examcomposition with other literatureworks and although theparticularity of relatively limited,but still belong to China'scopyright law in the sense ofworks, and shall be subject toChina's copyright law protection.The university entrance examcomposition does not belong toassignment works, legal personworks or entrust works, theuniversity entrance examcandidates is the universityentrance exam of compositiononly the author, composition ofthe university entrance examenjoy full copyright. But theuniversity entrance exam thespecial properties of thecomposition, the educationadministrative department relatedto implement the national collegeentrance examination system canbe in the areas of responsibility ofthe university entrance examcandidates use unpublishedcomposition; And others toreasonable use or legalpermission use form legitimateuse the university entrance examcomposition, usually existcomposition of the universityentrance exam not beenpublished legal barriers. And theexaminees of the universityentrance exam of exercisecomposition and face thecopyright in the original and don'tknow no compositioncomposition evaluation factobstacles. The two kind ofobstacles to the copyright of theuniversity entrance examcomposition is hard to normallegal use, but encourages themedia for publishing theuniversity entrance exam, illegalillegal composition ofinfringement and false and fullmarks composition, high markscomposition, zero floodcomposition. Newspapers,periodicals club, networks, bookpublishing house candidatespermission, without fails to paythe remuneration is publishedexaminee published the behaviorof the university entrance examcomposition, is infringing theCopyright Act.
第3个回答  2012-06-20
The university entrance exam composition with other literature works and although the particularity of relatively limited, but still belong to China's copyright law in the sense of works, and shall be subject to China's copyright law protection. The university entrance exam composition does not belong to assignment works, legal person works or entrust works, the university entrance exam candidates is the university entrance exam of composition only the author, composition of the university entrance exam enjoy full copyright. But the university entrance exam the special properties of the composition, the education administrative department related to implement the national college entrance examination system can be in the areas of responsibility of the university entrance exam candidates use unpublished composition; And others to reasonable use or legal permission use form legitimate use the university entrance exam composition, usually exist composition of the university entrance exam not been published legal barriers. And the examinees of the university entrance exam of exercise composition and face the copyright in the original and don't know no composition composition evaluation fact obstacles. The two kind of obstacles to the copyright of the university entrance exam composition is hard to normal legal use, but encourages the media for publishing the university entrance exam, illegal illegal composition of infringement and false and full marks composition, high marks composition, zero flood composition. Newspapers, periodicals club, networks, book publishing house candidates permission, without fails to pay the remuneration is published examinee published the behavior of the university entrance exam composition, is infringing the Copyright Act.

第4个回答  2012-06-30
Composition of the university entrance exam although with other literary works relatively limited specificity, but still belong to the China copyright law works, to the protection of our copyright law. Composition of the university entrance exam does not belong to the work duties, corporate works or commissioned works, the college entrance examination is the only author of composition of the university entrance exam, college entrance essay enjoy full copyright. But the composition of college entrance examination special nature, is determined by the relevant administrative departments of education in the implementation of the national college entrance examination system duties within the scope of use of examinee unpublished composition of the university entrance exam; while others to rational use and legal permission use in the form of the legitimate use of composition of the university entrance exam, there often is the composition of college entrance examination has not been issued by the legal obstacle. And the exercise of composition of the university entrance exam examinee copyright faced no writing manuscript and didn't know the fact that barrier composition evaluation. These two disorders leads to the composition of college entrance examination 's copyright to be legitimate and normal use, is fed by the media illegally obtained, the illegal publication of composition of the university entrance exam, infringement and false marks composition, high marks composition, zero composition. Newspaper, magazines, book publishing, network without permission, not to the candidates candidates pay will publish publication of composition of the university entrance exam behavior, is copyright infringement.
第5个回答  2012-07-04
Composition of the university entrance exam although with other literary works relatively limited specificity, but still belong to the China copyright law works, to the protection of our copyright law. Composition of the university entrance exam does not belong to the work duties, corporate works or commissioned works, the college entrance examination is the only author of composition of the university entrance exam, college entrance essay enjoy full copyright. But the composition of college entrance examination special nature, is determined by the relevant administrative departments of education in the implementation of the national college entrance examination system duties within the scope of use of examinee unpublished composition of the university entrance exam; while others to rational use and legal permission use in the form of the legitimate use of composition of the university entrance exam, there often is the composition of college entrance examination has not been issued by the legal obstacle. And the exercise of composition of the university entrance exam examinee copyright faced no writing manuscript and didn't know the fact that barrier composition evaluation. These two disorders leads to the composition of college entrance examination 's copyright to be legitimate and normal use, is fed by the media illegally obtained, the illegal publication of composition of the university entrance exam, infringement and false marks composition, high marks composition, zero composition. Newspaper, magazines, book publishing, network without permission, not to the candidates candidates pay will publish publication of composition of the university entrance exam behavior, is copyright infringement.

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1. Google 翻译:Google 翻译是一款广受欢迎的在线翻译工具,支持多种语言之间的互译,包括英语、中文、法语、德语等。它提供了文本翻译、语音翻译和图片翻译等多种功能,并允许用户根据需求进行个性化设置。2. DeepL 翻译:DeepL 翻译利用先进的人工智能技术,以其高质量的翻译结果在业界获得好评。它支持多...

翻译英语的软件有:1. 有道翻译。2. 百度翻译。3. 谷歌翻译。4. 金山词霸。接下来详细介绍这些软件的特点:有道翻译是一款功能强大的在线翻译软件,支持多种语言的互译,包括中文与英文之间的翻译。它拥有先进的机器翻译技术,能够迅速准确地完成翻译任务。此外,有道翻译还提供了实用的翻译记忆功能,能够...


软件翻译英语准确的有:谷歌翻译、有道翻译、百度翻译等。一、谷歌翻译 谷歌翻译是一款功能强大的翻译软件,其翻译结果通常非常准确。它支持多种语言之间的互译,包括英语和其他主要语言。谷歌翻译利用先进的机器学习技术,不断学习和改进其翻译算法,以提高翻译的准确性和质量。二、有道翻译 有道翻译是一款受...

翻译英文的软件有:1. 有道翻译。2. 谷歌翻译。3. 百度翻译。4. LinguaLeo 翻译。5. Dict.cn 翻译。接下来详细介绍这些软件的特点和优势:有道翻译是一款功能强大的翻译软件,支持多种语言的互译,包括英语翻译。它拥有先进的机器翻译技术和智能语境分析功能,可以提供相对准确的翻译结果。同时,有道翻译...

