The following is the detail information of material,which is supplied from our casting factory or supplier according to purchaing contract procedure.For the traceability of products and quality system, the heat number(also means batch number) will be noted in the material inspection certificate(the report of material) by supplier.
We also have the control procedure for the adequacy of material could be ensured by the test report of casting sample,which is produced from every manufacturing batch. so for every batch of casting valves,there will be a testing records for the chemical compositions as well as the mechanical properties. the testing records shall have a traceability number for the healing batch. this traceability number shall be shown in the body of valve.
高手! 请问还能帮我翻译一段么 我加分!based on the casting labeling and the testing report for the material. The manufacture could ensure that the material for every batch is provieded adequately according to the appropriate material specification as mentioned the following.
according to this conclusion,we may draw up a brief summary table for the suitability of materials usd for our valves.
(专业译文,敬请鉴别。全部翻译需要付费,敬请谅解。Q ⑨①〇①⑧〇〇⑧③)
高手! 请问还能帮我翻译一段么 我加分!based on the casting labeling and the testing report for the material. The manufacture could ensure that the material for every batch is provieded adequately according to the appropriate material specification as mentioned the following.
according to this conclusion,, we may draw up a brief summary table for the suitability of materials usd for our valves.
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阿姆W.T.P的中文歌词 求翻译
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