
奥运 . 激情


Olympic Games. Passion

From the August 8, 2008 draws near, listening to the Olympic Games approaches footsteps, we will see China's five-star red flag in the Olympic Games has increased.赛场Road outside countless more devout and fiery eyes chasing the five-star red flag! We Chinese people and we are proud!
The more the hard-won things, the more will be doubly treasure; an opportunity for China to the world, China has the world a pleasant surprise!
For the Olympic Games, China has been gaining momentum, Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, Nini, five ebullient Wizard is Beijing at the invitation of the World; "One World, One Dream" This is the Beijing issued the call to the world!
100 years history of the Olympic Games, countless exciting scenes of the myriad moving story. If it is said that the Olympic Games is a bright window, through it, to see the world's good fortune and peace, and to let China to the world and let the world know China! Olympic athletes struggle in the game, flashing the indomitable and persistence, whether successful failure, it is eternal life in a section of memory.
I believe in the Olympic faster, higher, stronger Jingshenganshao, I will be more courageous in the face of life's difficulties encountered, the tireless pursuit of Olympic athletes to every one of us has set a monument. This is a beyond, a power beyond. I will continue the accumulation of life energy, and in the future to create their own miracle!
第1个回答  2008-01-31
It is nearer and nearer from August 8, 2008, is listening to the day by day near sound of one's walking of the Olympic Games, we will see Five-Starred Red Flag rise on the court of the Olympic Games of China. Have pious and blazing sight of countless ways that is chasing the Five-Starred Red Flag inside and outside the court even more The course of Centennial Olympic Games, countless exciting scenes, countless one urge the story under person's tears. If the Olympic Games is a bright window, see through it, the one that was seen is luckiness and peace of the world, let China go to the world, let the world understand China! The valiant fighter of the Olympic Games strives on the court, the No matter succeed in failing, that is a section of eternal memory in life. I believe, until Olympic Games quicker, higher, under strong spirit move and inspire, I will face various difficulties that life meet brave, the untiring pursuit of valiant fighter of the