

1.德国人多属日尔曼族。The germans are the Germanic family.
2.爱好“大块吃肉,大口喝酒”。“ Big eat meat, big drink”.
3.每人每年的猪肉消费量达66千克。Each year 66 kg of pork consumption.
4.居世界首位。Occupies the world first place.
5.德国的早餐比起午餐和晚餐是最丰盛的。Germany than breakfast lunch and dinneris the most abundant.
6.酒宴上,德国人互不劝酒也不逼酒,喝者各自量力而为。The germans are not forced QuanJiuwine, drink each person over your head.
7.德国的饮食特点是营养丰富,方便省时,文明科学,吃饱吃好。Germany's food characteristic are rich innutrients, convenient province, civilization science, eat satisfied eat well.
8.德国人主食为黑麦、小麦和土豆,面包是德国人最喜爱的食品;还喜欢吃奶酪、香肠配以生菜色拉和水果。German staple food for wheat and ryebread, potatoes are German favorite food; Also like to eat cheese sausage matchwith lettuce salad and fruit.
9.德国人吃饭讲究实惠,不图浮华。TheGerman people eat cultured for affordable, glitz.
10.德国人口味喜清淡、甜酸,不爱吃油腻食品,不爱吃辣。German taste like light sweet and sour,
not the love eat greasy food, not the love eat spicy.
11.在饮料方面,德国人最爱喝啤酒,也爱喝葡萄酒。 In the drink, the germans love to drink beer, also love to drink wine.


When the germans in the party or have dinner, they paying
attention to the principle of lady first .
2.他们有个习俗,那就是吃鱼的刀叉不能用来吃别的。They have a custom, that is knives and forks to eat fishcannot be used to eat the others.











第1个回答  2013-11-03
The German diet has its own characteristics. The Germans are the Germanic family,hobbies "large pieces of meat, drink", pork consumption per person per year up to 66kilograms, ranking first in the world. The Germans eating pork, also love his pig. InGermany's largest industrial Ruhr City, although the area is many-storied buildingseverywhere, but residents in the building between the provision of a pig farm, every year hire butcher slaughter their own pigs, one family to eat half a year. Due to a preference for pork, most famous German dishes are pork products, a most famous dish is covered with all kinds of sour cabbage sausage and ham, sometimes with apig hind legs instead of sausage and ham. In addition to the German per capita pork,bread consumption among the world top 80 kilograms, per person per year to eatbread.
Germany to bring, people immediately think of beer. Indeed, the German beer as the automobile, electrical appliances, football, be known to all the world, is famous in the world of beer kingdom. German beer consumption per capita ranks first in the world,is the world's first "beer belly".
The German diet culture has its unique features, they are "eat" and "treat" has a lot of experience is worth us thinking deeply.

1.饮食习惯:- Germans are part of the Germanic family.- They enjoy hearty meals of meat and alcohol.- Each person consumes an average of 66 kilograms of pork per year, ranking them first in the world.- The breakfast in Germany is the most substantial meal compared to lunch and...

1.德国人多属日尔曼族。The germans are the Germanic family.2.爱好“大块吃肉,大口喝酒”。“ Big eat meat, big drink”.3.每人每年的猪肉消费量达66千克。Each year 66 kg of pork consumption.4.居世界首位。Occupies the world first place.5.德国的早餐比起午餐和晚餐是最丰盛的。Germany ...

Germany is located in central Europe, east neighbour Poland, the Czech republic, south by Austria, Switzerland, west meets the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, north to Denmark, is on the verge of north and Baltic seas European neighbours, is the highest in the world. An ...

1. 德国香肠(Currywurst):德国香肠是德国的标志性食品之一,种类繁多。其中,咖喱香肠(Currywurst)以其独特的香辣口味深受喜爱。香肠在德国各地的制作方法和口味都有所不同,但都体现了德国人对肉类食品的精湛技艺。2. 德国啤酒(German Beer):德国是世界著名的啤酒生产国,德国的啤酒在全球享有盛誉...

1. 德国香肠(Wurst):种类繁多的香肠是德国饮食的标志性代表。无论是烤制、水煮还是煎炒,德国香肠都因其多样的风味和实惠的价格而受到喜爱。2. 德国猪脚(Schweinehaxe):这道菜通常用啤酒和香料慢炖,肉质酥烂,外皮酥脆,是德国南部地区的传统美食。3. 德国炸鸡(Chicken Wings):在德国,炸鸡是...

各国饮食文化 中英对照
在德国,面包有用精粉做的,也有用黑麦、燕麦、精粉与杂粮掺加和在一起的混合面做的。德国每天出炉的芳香扑鼻的小面包、角形小面包、"8"字形烘饼和长面包就有1200多种,此外,还有300多种其他不同种类的面包。面包是德国人一日三餐不可缺少的最重要的主食。英国:那些妈妈的味道 英国菜确实可以用...

德国作为一个拥有丰富历史和文化的国家,其饮食文化也颇具特色。以下是一些值得推荐的德国当地特色美食:德国香肠(Wurst):德国是香肠的天堂,有超过1500种不同的香肠。其中最有名的包括布拉特沃斯特(Bratwurst)、法兰克福香肠(Frankfurter Würstchen)和纽伦堡烤肠(Nürnberger Rostbratwurst)。这些香肠...

德国作为一个拥有丰富历史和文化的国家,其饮食文化也颇具特色。德国餐饮场所多样,从传统的啤酒屋(Bierstuben)、餐厅(Restaurants)到现代的创意料理,都能找到地道的德国美食。以下是一些值得推荐的德国特色餐厅:柏林的“Schwarzwaldstube” - 这是一家位于柏林心脏地带的传统德式餐馆,以黑森林地区特色...

出产的雷司令(Riesling)和普拉格(Pinot Blanc)等品种在国际上享有盛誉。这些美食只是德国丰富饮食文化的一小部分。无论是在传统的啤酒屋、高档餐厅还是在家庭聚会中,都能体验到德国美食的独特魅力。下次访问德国时,不妨尝试这些地道的美食,让味蕾也能享受一场文化之旅。

德国留学生活 德国的饮食文化
