

of zoos it is an awesome place to take kids or even a couple dating. the experiences you get from learning about different species of animals is pretty interesting. And by owning a zoo, it helps the animals live a long life until their demise. Sometimes people get wild animals thye are not supposed to have and once a wild animal lives in society homes, they can't fend for themselves out in the wild, so thye get placed in zoos where they get to live out their lives. I am thankful for zoos.

As areas become more over grown and the natural habitats of animals are being effected more zoos are opening. The advantages of a zoo is that they protect the animals from the growing population. Another advantage is that more and more animals are being injured and having to be taken care of by humans. If they are taken care of for too long, then a lot of times they can't be returned back into the wild because they will not know how to fend for themselves. So they are sent to live in a zoo where they can live out their lives with other animals and continue to be taken care of while teaching any one who visits the zoo about the animals.

The advantages of zoo?? Advantages to what end? Advantages for the visitors? The animals? Biologists wishing to study animals? Your question is pretty vague.

However, zoos offer an advantage for visitors to see animals from around the world that they'd otherwise not be able to see. Most folks won't travel to Africa or Asia to see elephants, but can see them in a zoo.

Advantages for animals are that they are (usually) well cared for, and their genetic line (for more endangered animal species) can be protected and may actually increase the numbers of such species. The California Condor is an excellent example.

Advantages for biologists include the capacity to study the animals more easily, albeit in a less-than-natural environment, and the capability to work to promote endangered species.

Well first you get to see animals your nomally wouldn't be able to see and observe.
Second these animals act as ambassidors for conversation! Human beings find it hard to care about animals they can't see and connect with!

It is easy to be apethetic about the poaching of Elephants if they are just things you have seen pictures of. Once you see them in real life they become real, and you are able to connect!

Even though their lives might not be as 'rich' as those left to roam free in the wild they are essential ambassadors to help protect their habitat and population from complete devistation.

1.可以让人们不必要长途跋涉冒着危险,就可以去观赏一些希奇,凶猛的动物 2.将各种动物集中在比较小的范围,人们可以全面的去观赏它们,而免去到各个动物的栖息地去看.3.其实,动物圆也是为动物提供一种避难的生活场所,在它们丧失原来的生活栖息地的时候,动物园就是它们最好的归宿.4.丰富人们的生活需求.为...




动物和人同是地球生灵,他们拥有自己的自主意思,他们拥有属于自己的领土与家园。人类只是其中一种,只是比他们进化得快,没有任何权利奴役他们,人为饲养只会让它失去雄心 蓝天将不会再有雄鹰翱翔 草原将不会再有猎豹飞奔


1. 随着真正的大森林减少,野生动物的栖息地受到破坏,绿地面积随之减少。2. 动物园中的生活使野生动物逐渐失去了天性。3. 动物园的存在破坏了生态平衡,打乱了生物链的自然顺序。4. 动物园内的动物繁殖能力可能受到影响,随着数量的增加,种群密度上升,个体数量却可能逐渐减少,面临灭绝的风险。5. 动物...

给楼主提供思路:弊处:限制了动物的自由,改变了它们的生活方式 利处:动物园里养动物也是迁地保护,繁殖和拯救濒危动物,再说野生环境已经破坏得很严重了。而且,还起到教育游客的作用。还有,现在不少野生动物园都给了动物舒适的环境和很大的空间。据现在的现实情况来说,利比弊要大,利大于弊。

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分类: 社会\/文化 >> 社会话题 解析:建立动物园 破坏了动物原有的生活习惯 改变了动物的本性 现在动物园的老虎 连杀鸡也要费半天的时间(夸张的说法)如果是动物保护协会的人 他们还会 动物园剥削了动物的”人身自由“暂时就想到这些
