后来他们和一个杂货铺合并了,就不用搬家了。第12本:克莱夫穿的都是别人穿过的衣服,他想变酷,但他们家没有那么多钱去买酷酷的东西。后来克莱夫历经苦难去找工作,都失败了。幸运的,他靠自己的机智,拯救了一个重要的公文包,后来,公文包的主人为了感谢他,给他了很多酷酷的东西。第13本,还没看,不好意思。 已...
典范英语8 1-14册的概括 中英文都行
这是最简单的中文 额 8 9黑夜挣扎:Tess是Dr Gooch家的新女仆,他发现will是一个可怜的男孩,他爸爸竟然要把它卖给Fry,Tess与harriet想要从Fry救出Will,然而他们被Dr Gooch发现,辛运的是,Dr Gooch把可怜的Will接回家了。8 10海盗格雷斯:Grace想要加入Cutthoart的海盗船,即使他表现勇敢,还是被船...
Trudy was a girl. Her classmateslaughed at her and she got another name “Trouble”. Itwas Friday . They had art class . Trudy made lots of troubles. At lunch time.She made lots of troubles too. It made Lisa's clothes really dirty. On the wayhome. Trudy made troubles a...
Durant got a job with a professor.The professor was going out for a while.During that time, he was responsible for the housework.But for convenience, Durant left the plan to the robot. As a result, the robot made a mess of the house.When the professor came back, he was v...
典范英语8 1 翻译
无论你相信与否,我们逐步英语琉璃地表达自己。 不管你相信与否,我们已逐步成为能够流利地表达自己的英语 7。其实有许多简单的方法,例如看英文电视或网上聊天和外国朋友学习英语。 其实,有很多的simplc的方式,以提高英语水平,如看英文电视节目的聊天与国外frieng在线 8。政府应尽快拿出一个更好的办法来解决高油价带来...
典范英语7 18梗概(中英文均可)
英文:On Daniel's birthday, he woke up and found a big box by his bed. It looked like a kennel. Suddenly Daniel cried ‘A dog! ’He wanted a dog for a long time. He jump out of the bed and run to the box quickly and open the kennel door.But that wasn’t a real...
...sports shoes and takes its as a treasure.
典范英语 顶级跑鞋的缩写啊。。。中英文都行 要快呀。。。The ultimate trainers请采纳谢谢 3赞·725浏览2017-01-19 求典范英语9的翻译(有每本的总结更好!概括更好!在线等!)1到7,因为是改版的,所以下面补充 如下: wating for goldie:Danny他外公生病住院,他就帮忙等待。有golden eye的那...
跪求典范英语6 第八册8~9的读后感以及人物介绍,随便一个都可以,中英文...
Daniel is disappointed when his mum buys him a robot dog, but when Micro learns how to behave like a real dog,Daniel soon changes his mind and Micro becomes'the best dog in the world'....
急求典范英语7第8册dangerous trainers的summery概括。。谢谢...
2012-02-12 典范英语8第三本 the ultimate trainers... 3 2009-03-10 dangerous 英语解释 1 2008-10-17 英语作文:a dangerous hobby 24 2010-01-10 dangerous是什么意思?(英文) 12 2007-11-15 <Dangerous> !谁可以给我这首英文歌的下载地址啊? 1 2013-11-04 这个英文单词怎么读dangerous 7 ...
典范英语6 皮皮公主的假期 求主要内容 要8~10句话的 中英文都要 好的...
Every one in castle was very busy. Because they will go on a holiday,but princess pipi was'nt very happy,because she can't take herpet on holiday. They arrived the seaside by coach.pipi wasn't happy when she saw there're castle everywhere.第二章 Daisy is pipi's maid and...