In literature different approaches are proposed for the solution of the transport design problem. The approaches may be classified according to the decision variables (integer, continuous and mixed integer) and according to solution algorithms used (analytical or heuristic).
The public transport network design problem is non-convex (Newell) and the best and most useful solution methods are based on heuristic procedures. This approach,followed throughout the study, concerns the minimization of an objective function (OF),including all different possible impacts of transport, but usually is limited to a combination
of operator and user’s costs.In the last years, researchers have tested new approaches based on Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms (GAs), Simulated Annealing or Tabu Search to solve optimization problems.1 Dip. Scienze dell’Ingegneria Civile, Università di Roma Tre, 2 DITS, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, 3 Dip. Scienze dell’Ingegneria Civile, Università di Roma Tre, 4 Dip. Scienze dell’Ingegneria Civile, Università di Roma Tre, 682 E. Cipriani et al.
The utilization of powerful and probabilistic optimization techniques as GAs results particularly opportune for several specific aspects: the nonlinearity and the nonconvexity of the objective functions and the discrete nature of several variables.Xiong and Schneider show that GA may efficiently solve transport network design problem. Other authors developed GAs applications to solve specific public transport network design problems (routing, scheduling, etc.). Pattnaik et al implemented a two phases procedure. First, a set of feasible routes is generated and then a GA selects the optimum routes set. Also Dhingra et al proposed an application of GAs. The solution approach provides a double application of GAs to solve separately, the routing and the scheduling problem. Ngamchai and Lovell proposed a solution model based on the use of several genetic operators designed for this specific problem. Among the most remarkable works on this matter not using GAs, it is possible to mention Mandl, Filippi and Gori, Ceder and Israeli and Baaj and Mahmassani.
1.这个地方看上去已经废弃了It seems the this place has already been abandoned 2.那辆汽车被发现废弃在纽约 This car was found and abandoned in New York.3.当心别把花瓶撞翻 Take care not to break the vase.4.随着我们驱车前进,香山进入了视线. When we were driving ahead, we found t...
然后that is to say是一个插入语,表示 也就是说,本来理解后半句应为which we learn from the members of our own family and from our friends 这里which指代 those words
I don't know why 我不知道为什么 You want to follow me tonight 你昨天晚上想要和我一起走 When the rest of the world 当世界休息的时候 With whom I've crossed and I've quarreled 和一个我曾经了解,曾经吵过的人 Let's me down so 就让我这样下去 For a thousand reasons that I kn...
Big City Nights 大都市之夜 When the daylight is falling down into the night当白天到夜间,是掉下 And the sharks try to cut a big piece out of life而大鲨鱼设法削减出一幅人生 It feels alright to go out to catch an outrageous thrill因此感觉还好出门赶上了令人发指笳 But its more...
Memory, means eternity Losing,does not signify the past Lost, could be perpetuity But the past is never lost.这好像是首诗,所以我2,4 句给你压韵了。很有意思的四句话,但直译的话意思会变,也很无聊。所以“过去”我译的是:memory 和past。各位注意!永恒跟永远是不一样的。
more from you in the days to come.3. If there are any mistakes in my spoken English, please help me correct and improve.给个小建议:如果你是跟老外沟通,大可不必如此谨小慎微,因为英语不是你的语言啊!你说得不好很正常的,他们会理解的。当然,工作关系除外。希望对你有帮助 ...
2 to him that he could make such big progress in maths.(it...that...的形式)3 only by this method can you learn foreign language well.(only句倒装)4 hearing this news...(主语是一致的都是they,分词要用ing形式)5 it is depends on weather that we go camping or not.(主...
I am in love 求助英语好的高手们帮忙翻译下!
I am in love "坠入爱河"或者"热恋中的我"都可以 这样一个很简单的句子 翻译方法很多 关键看你怎么理解 in love 在爱中 ,in 为介词 我是在爱中 当然不符合中国人的语法
I am entreprenant and honest.你的公司知名度很高,能够让每个雇员发挥出全部实力。Your company is well known and enables every employee to do his best.我的目标是作一个成功的社会人士。My goal is to become a successful person in society.我的文化程度是本科。I got the Bachelor's Degree...